Sneak Peak

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Sneak Peak***


"Amara baby, wake up." I felt someone shake me as my eyes opened slowly. I blinked a fee times as my eyes adjusted to the light. I looked around the room and I was back in my bedroom in me and Josh's home.

"Baby you Okay?" He softly smiled at me.

"Josh?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah bae, who else would it be?" He chuckled.

Was I only dreaming? But it felt so real


"Josh? But how is this possible? How is our house still up? What happened to the fire? I couldn't have been dreaming omg! Thank God it was only a dream." I let out a sigh of relief.

Josh sighed sharply and took a hold of my hands.

"Amara baby look at me." He lifted my head with the tip of his finger. "Amara i need you to listen to me and listen too me well." I nodded my head anxiously. "Your dreaming baby."

I felt my eyes begin to sting. "Omg I knew it was too good to be true." I threw my arms around his neck as I sobbed on his shoulder.

"Baby listen to me." I lifted my head off his shoulder and have him all of my attention."Amara I am dead and before you get upset I need to tell you that I made an arrangement with God."

I looked at him puzzled. "What are you talking about Joshua?"

"Alright look its like this .. My death was no accident baby. And God has given me approval to help YOU figure lit who did this to me."

I took in everything that he said even more hurt than before. Who would kill this perfect man who has never caused harm to anyone.

"Okay, so how is this going to work?" I finally spoke.

"Well for starters we can still continue our lives together but only in your dreams. Whenever you need me all you have to do is close your eyes, relax and let everything fall into place." As he spoke my eyes fell heavy as I rested back into the bed as he voice grew fainter.

My eyes slowly opened as I looked around Tamia's guest bedroom. I looked down at my hands as I found Josh's DogTag necklace that wasn't there before I fell into a slumber. I quickly shot out of bed and into the bathroom to get dressed. I have to get to the bottom of this.


Confused or Nah? Lol.

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