Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

August P.O.V

"Darius?" I asked surprisingly.

"August.. Whats up my nigga?" He tried to give me a bro hug.

"Nah bruh, what the hell you doing here? I know damn well you not fuckin around on Mia." I ran my hand down my face.

"Man look.. Im not fuckin around on mia. This my baby mama crib, I just came to see my boys and when i walked in this bitch smokin that shit in front of them. Im not gon lie i was pissed and i slapped her ass because she could have hurt them."

Damn.  Now i was stuck between a rock and a hard place. What Darius did was wrong but i understood why he did it. But it was called in and i have to do my job if she decides to press charges.

"Look man, I understand trust me i do. But ya girl called it in and i will have to take you down to the station. When we get there i will personally call Tamia to come get you-"

"NO! Dont do that." He interrupted. "Tamia dont know anything about Dorian and Damian and i want to keep it that way." I let out a sigh and nodded my head.

"Iight man i wont say nothing."

"And dont say shit to Amara either." I didnt respond to his last statement as I placed the handcuffs on his wrists.

"Daddy I thought you were taking us to the park?" The older child said. I instantly felt terrible. Here they were watching their only stable parent get arrested and their mother is so high that she probably wont remember this incident in the next hour.

"Damian go take your brother inside and go to your room, daddy will be back to get you i promise." Dariuss said out the window from the backseat of the car.

"You not taking my kids nowhere! You stay away from here or i will put a restraining order on your ass." I just shook my head. I cant stand a woman who purposely tries to keep her kids from their father.

"Guess we going to court then." I purposely let Darius get the last word as i drove off.

When we made it to the station i didnt put Darius in the cell. I let him make his one phone call so he could get out of here faster. Dont get me wrong, if it wasnt for those little boys i would have let his ass sit up in here for days for the way he did Amara but i cant tear another man away from his shorties especially when he wants to be there.

"Iight man, my homie coming to get me." He said to me. I nodded my head and walked him over to the holding area.

I walkes back over to my desk and powered up my laptop. I was still investigating my brother's case and i finally think i figured out who killed him. I watched the security tape over and over again. I couldn't make out their faces but i did hear one of them say the other's name. 'Octavius' I typed in the name Octavius in the NOLA system and i searched in the area that my brother was killed in. Only 2 people popped up and the other was deceased. Octavius R. Porter was still out there and when i find him its a done deal for his ass. I searched in the main system data base so i could atleast get a valid picture of him. I hoped and prayes that he had some type of criminal background so it would be easier to find him. I waited for the computer to buffer as the picture loaded up to my computer. When the picture finally came up i almost had a heart Attack.

"Ima kill em!!!" I yelled and and stormed out of my seat.

Amara P.O.V

I walked in my condo and immediately slipped out of my heels. Since ive been off the scene for so long, Nathan booked 3 shoots and and 2 audition for 1 day. Ugh.  Im exhausted as hell.

I walked in the bedroom and began to undress for my shower. I got into the shower and allowed the water to wash away my long day. I didnt take a long shower as i would like to because Rico was stopping by so we could have our annual Wednesday night movie night. I got out the tub and put on one of August's t shirts and some shorts.

"Amara where you at guh?" Rico yelled as i heard the front door open and close. I gave him and Aug spare keys because at this point they are the only ones that i trust.

"Why yo ass so loud?" I chuckled.

"Shut up..and turn on Netflix." He plopped down on the couch and i took my place next to him. I threw my left leg on his lap and he took my foot into his hands, as he massaged the pain away.

"I dont think i want to watch movies tonight, lets just talk." He nodded his head.

"So how was your day?"

"It was cool, I definitely missed this fast lifestyle." He nodded his head. "What about you?  How are you and Renna doing?" His face lit up when i said her name.

"We're great. Our relationship has been stronger than ever and im loving every minute of it.. Where's Aug? How are yall doin?"

"He should be home later and we're very good. Him and Ky are going through it though but i try my best just to be his support system."

"that's good bestie." He grabbed my other foot and massaged it.

"So... You never tell me about your past. You always keep things bottled in. Talk to md Ric.." He sighed hard.

"I guess it wont hurt but promise me you wont judge me and promise that you wont tell anyone Amara im trusting you with my deepest darkest secret." I nodded my head.

"I promise."

"Iight. " He started as he blew out a sigh of breath. "When Corey and I were younger we used to get into so much shit. I used to be a drug dealer back in NOLA and i was always looking for ways to make extra money. So one day Corey came up with this idea to rob the corner store. Me being 16, dumb and a hothead i agreed. Our only motive was get in get out and dont hurt nobody." He paused for a moment and continued to look off into space. "When we went in there that everything was going smooth. The clerk had just given up the money and then i heard something move from behind a rack and i shot towards it by accident because i was scared. " I felt him shaking and i placed my head on his shoulder and grabbed his hand. "When i walked over to see what it was i saw that i had shot someone. I wanted to help him so bad but i heard the sirens down the street. Corey had to literally drag me out of there. We ran so fast but i felt like i was going in slow motion. Eventually we were trapped in this abandoned house. Corey told me to go to the attic and hide and he was going to take the fall for me because he knew that i had a record and he wanted me to play ball and be somebody. Of course I tried to disagree but he wasnt having it so i just did what he told me to do."

"So did he take the fall for shooting the guy?"

"No, they couldn't find any gun powder on him so they couldn't charge him. But he did get 12 years for accessory to robbery but he only did 6 for good behavior and for that i owe him my life. I could be doing life in prison right now if it wasnt for him.  I was hiding out for like a week I didnt even go home because i was so paranoid. And that same week Katrina hit. I didnt even get to see my mom and little sister before the died." Rico was in tears by now. "Amara you dont understand how long ive been holding that in.. Nobody knows about this but you and Corey i havent even told Renna. I trust you not to say a word.. You promised."

"I did.. I promised and i wont tell a soul."


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