Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I paced back and forth in the parking lot of the Drake Hotel in downtown Chicago. Josh gave me a piece of paper with this address on it. I have no idea on why i was so nervous or how this hotel was even affilated with my boyfriend's death.Maybe it was the fact that i was slowly but surely going to reveal Josh's murderer. I took slow deep breaths as i walked into the lobby of the hotel. My mind wondered as i thought of how this was going to come about.  I mean i had no idea on how i was even going to walk into this situation . I walked up to the smiling woman at the front desk.

"Welcome to the Drake Hotel ma'am. How may I assist you?"

I swallowed hard as i dug into my purse to retrieve a photo of Josh and i at our senior prom.

" Do you know this man?" i held up the picture to her face anxiously waiting for an answer.

Her smile widen as she glared at the photo in my hand.

"Ah,yes, Mr. Adams of course.  He and his wife come here twice a week. Sunday and Thursday to be exact." she said matter of factly.

"His wife?" I asked unsure.

"Yeah she would always go by the last name Adams. Tia,  i think her name is." she titled her head to the right to appear to be in deep thought. "Or maybe it was Tamika. Hmm" She said shurging her shoulders.

I became light headed as she spoke.

"Are you sure? Maybe you should look at the photo one more time." I attempted to show her the picture once more but she stopped me.

"Yes im sure that we are both talking about Joshua Adams. Im not too certain if she was his wife but you sure dont come in here at 2 AM twice a week with your sister or cousin." She gave me a sly smile. "But ive said too much i could lose my job over this." She stopped and looked at me. "Who did you say you were again? "

"I didn't" I grabbed my bag and stormed out the front door. I ran all the way to my car and sat there crying hysterically. How could he? I gave this man all of me and he cheated on me or with me..  Hell i dont even  know im so confused and need answers now! I needed to vent so i dried my eyes and made my way to the Cook County Police Department. I walked inside amd frantically searched for Officer Stevens.

"I need to speak with Officer Stevens immediately!" i practically yelled at the desk clerk.

"Just calm down ma'am, ill reach him for you."

I nodded my head and turned around in the waiting area.  I took a seat and placed my head in my hands. I was so confused i didnt even knkw what to do anymore. I was broke out of my train of thought when i heard the desk clerk calling for me.

"Miss... Ma'am, Officer Stevens is here to speak with you? "

I lifted my head and looked around and officer Stevens was no where in sight. Though there did stand a younger man.

"Thats not Officer Stevens." I stated.

"But i am." He started.  "Im August Stevens, Anthony Stevens is my father.  I just started her today but i am every experienced if you needed help with anything." I looked him up and down annoyed.

"So where is your father? The only person i trust is him!  I dont even know you." i spat at him.

"He's in New Orleans with my mother.  They had a family emergency and he wont be back until the week after next." my jaw dropped.

"The week after next?! I dont have that kind of time i need him now!"

"Look,  I can help you.  Im taken over his cases until he returns. Either you want my help or you dont i dont have time to play with you. He said while sizing me up.

"Look just tell him That Amara Samuels needs to speak with him asap." I rolled my eyes at him one last time and walked out of the building not even waiting for a reply. Who did that asshole think he was?!  Its extremely hard to believe that Officer Stevens... Well Anthony, is his father they act nothing alike.

I got back intl my car and headed back to Tamia's house.  I used the spare key that she gave to me to open the door. When i walked inside i saw a note the sat on the table by tbe door.

Amara,  Me and Darius went out to the movies tonight. I left you some dinner in the oven. Ill be back later.

Love,  Mia

I crumbled up the piece of paper amd threw it into the waste basket. Another night alone. I headed upstairs to the guest bedroom and stripped my clothes from my body. I pulled the comforter back as i slid into the bed and let my body slip in between the sheets. I had an extremly long and stress filled day. I needed to talk to Josh ASAP.

When i opened my eyes i was standing in the door way of Josh and I's bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed with his head sunken into his hands and lap. I cleared my throat and his head shot up towards me.

"Baby I can explain." he walked towards me with his arms open wide. When he got close enough i slappee him with full force. 

"Do NOT put your hands on me Joshua!" my voice was so cold that i didnt even recognize it. 

"All this time you were cheating on me?" Je was dead silent. I shook my head at me and began to beat on his chest.

"You  mother fucker! I gave you my all and you fucking cheated on me." i sobbed into his chest as he grabbed my swinging arms and pulled me into him.

" Amara, babh i never meant to hurt you.  I was a mistake that went tol far and i apologize from the bottom of my heart. I swear i was goimg tl tell you the night i died. I was goimg to propose to you that night as well. " i lifted mt head up and looked at him.

"You were?" He nodded his head.

"yeah baby i was.  I had this big romantic diner waiting for you. I waited to make you my wife but I wanted to make sure that all of my secrets were out on the table so our relationship wouldnt be based on a lie."

"Secrets? So theres more.." i sjook my head and pulled away from him. I sat on the bed and he followed suit.

"Yeah baby there's more. But i cant tell you, you would have to figure it all out on your own."

"And why is that?" I snapped at him.

"Because that's the deal i made with God. He wanted me to come clean to you but we agreed to let you figure everything out by yourself." I Sighed hard. "But.." he started again.  " You can ask me one question and one question only.

"Who was the woman you cheated on me with. " i blurted out quickly. He hung his head low and sighed deeply.


Who's the other woman?
How do you feel about August?
Anyone know how to post pics?  please let me know

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