Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I held Amara close as she cried into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her tighter to protect her from the chilly fall weather. We were standing outside of the apartment complex that Bri lived in. It shocked me when Amara called me so distraught as she tried to explain to me what happened. I haven’t seen nor spoken to her in a couple days because she wouldn’t answer none of my phone calls.  I just wanted to take her away from all of this bullshit. Ever since I met her it seems as if she’s been going through hell and back. It’s weird to say but I want to give Amara the love and affection that I once gave to Kyra. I don’t want to rush into anything but I know for a fact that I don’t want to lose her.. She’s all I got.

“August?” She wiped the rest of her tears away with the back of her hand.


“Thank you.” She looked at me with her glossy eyes.

I simply nodded my head oblivious to exactly why she was thanking me but she’s been through enough tonight I don’t want to complicate it more with questions. I grabbed her hand and walked her over to her car. I didn’t want her to be here when the forensic team brought Bri’s body down to the truck.

“I want you to go home and wait for me, you understand?” She nodded her head. “Look I still have some of your things that you packed in my car. I want you to go and pack up everything you hold of value.” I needed to get her out of here. It was just way to much going on.

“Okay” She didn’t even bother to question me.

I watched as she slid into her car. I closed her door and watched her drove away towards her home.

“Hey Stevens you got to come see this!” One of the detectives called out from the window of Brianna’s apartment.

I took the elevator up to her apartment and placed shoe covers on my feet to not contaminate any evidence.

“Did you know this woman?”

“No not personally but she was family to a close friend of mine why what’s up?” He handed me a pair of latex gloves.

“Take a look at this.” He handed me a envelope with my name written on the front of it. “We found it in one of the draws in the bedroom.

I quickly opened the envelope to retrieve the note. I schemed through it and my heart felt like it stopped from what I was reading.

Mystery Person

I walked into my home and walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I turned on the faucet and cupped my hands under the water quickly splashing water on my face. I looked at myself one last time and a devilish grin formed on my face. My shoulders became slouched from its previous state and I let my long curly hair down from the sloppy bun that it was in.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked around my house examining things that I didn’t know were there. I honestly don’t remember leaving things this clean and organized. I had these kind of episodes very frequently but I didn’t mind.  I walked into my room and went into the back of my closet. I shuffled through a few shoes boxes until I found the one that held the gun. I grabbed it and emptied the bullets out. I took it into the bathroom and grabbed a rag as I cleaned off the blood and brain residue that previously inside of Brianna’s body. I chuckled slightly as I thought of her begging for her life.

After I finished cleaning off the gun, I took it apart and placed it inside of a black garbage bag. I made sure that It was tied tightly before I disposed of it down the garbage shoot along with the same gun that I used to kill Taylor with. I walked back into my apartment to prepare myself for the next victim.


“Amara” I tapped her arm lightly. Her eyes flew open as she looked up at me. “It’s time..”


“It’s time” Kept ringing through my head but it wasn’t Josh’s voice that I previously heard in my dream. This voice sounded so much harsher and demanding. To say that I was terrified is a understatement. At this point I’m really starting to think that I’m crazy.  I needed help and I knew the only person that will be able to help me is Dr. Fisher, my childhood psychiatrist. When I was younger I use to have an imaginary friend and my mom thought it was something wrong with me thus she took me to see Dr. Fisher.

I looked at the time on my phone and saw that I slept for about 2 hours. I glanced over at the front door looking at all of my belonging that I packed up. I don’t know where August is taking me but I didn’t care I was just glad to get away.


Thanks for the Birthday wishes! This story has about 2 or more chapters left and from the looks of it there might be a sequel. I really didn’t want to do a sequel but there is still so many things left unanswered and im ready to start on the next phase! Buttt Comment tell me what your thinking!

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