Chapter 22

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"Im sorry sir, who are you?" The man asked.

"Nigga im the father of this lil girl right here yall not takin my daughter i didnt sign this shit!" I threw the papers towards him.

"No disrespect man but You're not her father." my blood began to boil.

"And who is nigga? You? You got the game fucked up bruh." I said stepping to him.

"No but you're not Anthony Stevens.. He's the one that sighned these papers. We met him and Kyra multiples over this past month."

When he said that name my heart felt like it stopped. I snatched the papers back and carefully examined them again unlike the first time. Anthony Stevens was the name that was printed on the father line. I looked over at Kyra as she held Bella close and cried.

"You accused me of fuckin round on you this whole time and come to find out you cheated on me with my father?!" My voice was cold but calm. "I was being nice to yo ass all because of my daughter but since shes not mine I want you and your shit out of my house by tomorrow and if not ill arrest you my damn self." I stormed out of the room and into the waitinflg area where my parents sat. I saw my mom on one of the chairs asleep and my dad was in the corner on the phone. He turned around when he saw me walk up to him and then i did the unexpected. I punched him square in his face knocking him out cold.

"Oh my goodness someone call the police."

"I am the police.." I said as i walked onto the elevator. It seemed like my life is falling apart right before my eyes. I just wanted to go find Amara and hold on to her tight.


Apart of me is so hurt but then the other half is actually happy for August and Kyra. That little girl deserved a loving family and who am i to stand in the way of that. When i got home i slid into my bed and threw the cover over my head.

"Now that he's out of the way are you ready to go back to whats important?"  Josh asked looking down at Amara.

"Why is this so important Josb its been Months and there is still no Logical evidence that you were murdered. And plus if you know who killed you why cant you just tell me?!" I slightly yelled at him.

"Because i cant tell have to figure it out to set my soul free and so i can officially be let into heaven. I cant be accepted in if the truth is not revealed Amara thats why i need your help. This is important to me."

"Why should I? After all the things that ive found out im honestly afraid to dig deeper.  I dont know what else i might find and to be honest i rather not know. I want to move on with my life  Josh i cant keep putting my life on hold for you anymore."

"Just take this." He placed a single piece of paper into my hand. "This will tell you everything you need to know. Amara just please do this for me and i promise im gone."

"Fine." I rolled my eyes.

When i woke up the piece of paper was still in my hand. I unwrapped it and there was a name that was in bold black letters. Brianna

I popped out of bed and threw on my nike slides. I grabbed my car keys and made my way to Bri's apartment. My mind was racing with thoughts as to what Bri had to do with Josh's death but im going to soon find out.

20 minutes later i arrived at her complex. I rang her buzzer waiting to hear her voice on the intercome. I looked out towards the street and saw that her white Audi was parked. I rung the buzzer again and still got no answer.

"Ugh fuck it." I said as i were about to walk away from the door. Fortunately an older gentleman opened the main door as he was coming out to walk his small dog. I quickly ran back to the door to catch it before it closed. I walked through the lobby and made my way to the elevator. I pressed the 6th floor button as the elevator closed and moved up. When i hit the 4th floor i was hit with a indescribable oder. I gagged a few times but i titled my head back to stop from vomiting.

When i made it to the 6th floor the smell was even stronger. I walked past a couple of Bri's neighbors as they were leaving their apartments complaining about the bad smell. When i got to Bri's door i knocked hard enough for her to hear since she didnt answer the door bell.  After a couple of knocks i still didnt get an answer. I finally took a hold of the door knob and twisted it surprised that it was unlocked. I pushed the door open and immediately was smacked with that bad oder. I instantly knew that smell was death as i saw Bri's decomposing body laying on her hallway floor in a dried puddle of blood. The contents of my stomach flew out of my mouth as tears slid down my face.


this was a long over due chapter! Im sorrry guys lol i had finals but today was my last one soo now im freeee! This story is coming to an end soon and im debating on a sequel. I want to know your thoughts! Btw my 19th birthday is on Thursday!!! Turn Uppp lol

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