Chapter 1.2

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I could see the veins pooping out of his neck so I knew he was really mad. Silent tears fell down my face. I knew he would make good on his promise if it ever came down to it. My fear if him is what stopped me from being with somebody else.

Jay had a reputation for making his enemies disappear. At only 26 years old, he had an extensive record. He had been in and out of jail more than a few times, but never for murder. That alone let me know he knew what he was doing and he knew how to do it well. The police could never arrest him for selling drugs because he never touched it. His cousin Tori told me that they always got him on some conspiracy or racketeering charges.

He swore up and down that he gave up the drug game, but u doubt he makes the kind of money he does by owning two barber shops and two beauty salons. I also know that he owns the house he and his wife share and that he just bought a newly built condo in a very upscale part of NOLA for us. We would usually rent a room when Jay wanted to chill, but he said that we should have a place of our own. He wanted us to be able to come and go as we pleased. He wanted a place to keep his clothes and personal things.

I never stay there alone. If he's not there, Kelly comes over and if she can't make it, I stay with one of my brothers or sisters. I have one sister between my mom and dad and the rest of my siblings are my fathers children. I wonder if this is the place his wife claims she knows about. I wasn't sure so I'd have to be more careful.

"Baby, you hear me?" Jay said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh now I'm baby?" I spat. "I was that girl when you were talking to your wife a few minutes ago."

I was fuming mad and I needed to get away from this nigga before I said something that I would regret.

"I'm not going to the condo. Take me to my sister's house." I told him.

I wasn't about to sleep with him and I know that's what's going to happen if we go to our spot.

"That's what you're mad about?" He had the nerve to ask me.

Is he serious? Just a minute ago he was threatening me, but let's not go there.

"No. I'm not mad at nothing. I just promised Jonaé that I would watch her kids for her." I lied.

"Yea, alright."

I don't care if he knows I'm lying. I just want to be by myself. I want to call my bestie and cry on her shoulder.

I shot Kelly a text just as Jay was pulling up to Jonaé's house. I tried to hurry out the car but Jay stopped me.

"I'm sorry for what happen with Courtney and I'm sorry for grabbing you the way I did. I meant what I said, but I shouldn't have put my hands on you like that."

I was still upset, but his apology did soften me up a little bit. Jay got out of the car and came around to open the door for me. Once I got out, he pulled me into him and whispered, "I love you Bey," as he held on to me. I didn't respond, but the feeling was mutual.

Jay and I walked up to my sister's door hand and hand.

"I'm giving you your space tonight because I know you still feel some type of way about what happen, but tomorrow night I want you back at our spot."

Before I had time to respond, Jonaé snatched the front door open so she could see who was outside. She hates Jay so she frowned and rolled her eyes when she saw that it was him. When Jonaé closed the door, Jay and I hugged for a while before I pulled away to go inside. He pulled me back and stuck his tongue into my mouth forcing me to open my mouth for him. When I pulled away this time, I hurried into the house before I changed my mind and left with him. My sister looked at me and rolled her eyes before leaving.

"I don't know why you won't leave his dog ass alone. He ain't never leaving his wife."

I didn't even respond. I'm use to her talking shit about Jay and lowkey I think she's jealous. Jonaé is my dad's oldest daughter. She's only three years older than me and she has three kids by three different men and neither of them take care of their kids. I was determined to be the opposite of her. She always taking shit about Jay, but the money I get from him is the money that keeps her kids looking fresh because she damn sure couldn't do it working part time at target.

This is the reason I never told her anything. I walked down the hall to my niece's room and sat down on the floor and called Kelly to pick me up. I don't have the time for my sister's bitching and nagging so I was going to give her my ass to kiss as soon as my ride pull up.

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