Chapter 17 (Beyonce)

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I had just finished my exam and I was more than happy. I had studied from sun up to sun down to make sure I had gotten a good grade. My mind as been all over the place lately. It's been over a weeks since I had saw or spoken to Jay. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him, but we need this time apart. I stayed with my sister the first night, but I spent most of my time with Micheal. He had a judge house in the Lakeview area of NOLA that I fell in love with.

Jonaé was still picking me up from class in case Jay ever showed up. He didn't know where any of my classes were but that didn't stop him before. Jonaé and my mom had told me that someone had been by their houses looking for me. Judging by the description they gave me, I knew it was Ty. Kelly had lost count of how many times Jay had been to her house looking for me. He didn't know where my brother lived at so if it ever came down to it, he'd be my alibi.

My sister Solange had text me letting me know that she was on her way. She had just recently learned to drive so she volunteered to pick me up today, plus Jonaé had to take her kids to the doctor.

I gathered my things and said goodbye to some of my friends. I walked outside and my heart dropped. Jay was standing at his car looking at me. I wanted to run, but it was too late for all of that. Besides, it would be really childish of me since he had already saw me. He started walking forwards me, but I was frozen in place.

"Hey." He said as he walked up to me.


"Can we talk?" He asked, but before I could respond, my sister had pulled up. She jumped out of my mother's car with fire in her eyes. Solange is my only sister by my mother and we were very protective of each other.

"You alright, Bey?" She asked me as she approached us. Solange is only 17, but she's full of fire. She wasn't always this way, but when her boyfriend left her with a child to raise alone, her whole attitude changed.

"Yea, she's alright." Jay answered for me.

"Nigga, I wasn't talking to you. Your name ain't Beyoncé!" She yelled. "My sister can answer for herself!"

"Look, I said she's alright!" Jay yelled back." I think no one in this world hated my Jay more than my youngest sister and I didn't think Jay hated any of my siblings more than he hated Solange. I knew I had to intervene before things got out of hand.

"I'm good, Solange." I told her and she just stood there looking at me

like she didn't believe me.

"We need to talk, Bey. I'll bring you home once we're done."

I knew that was lie. There was way in the world he would bring me anywhere but the condo if it got in the car with him. Solange must've been reading my mind because she spoke exactly what I was thinking.

"That's fucking bushit! You know he's lying Beyoncé. If you go with him, he's going to take you right to his house."

"Fuck you, Solange!! You're just a fucking hater. Cock blocking ass hoe-" That was all it took for my sister to take off running towards Jay. I quickly dropped my things and grabbed her before she could lay one hand on him.

"I wish you would!" Jay spat.

"Jay stop it! Just go get in the fucking car!" I yelled with pleading eyes. He looked hesitant so I continued. "Just pick my shit up, and get in the car." Jay nodded and when he reached down to grabbed my things, Solange kicked him. I can't believe I didn't see that coming. Jay fell over and Solange yelled, "Pussy ass nigga!!!" I wanted to laugh, but decided against it. Jay jumped up with fire in his eyes.

"Solange, what the fuck!" I yelled. "Jay, please just go wait in the car." Thank god Jay let the kick go and went to go get in the car.

"You are so stupid!" Solange yelled at me as soon as Jay walked away. I let her go and she continued. "He got you right where he wants you! You know he's never going to leave his wife for you. You got a good ass man that wants to take care of you, and yet you still settle for this trifling ass, dog ass nigga!" She spat. I love my sister, but sometimes she goes to far.

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