Chapter 20 (Beyonce)

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I was shocked to see Tori sitting in the VIP section of the club when we got there. It had been a minute since I last talked to her. I know Jay and his sisters were feeling some kind of way about her doing a DNA test on Drew, but that didn't have anything to do with me. That was their family's business.

I noticed she would sneak peeks at Mike and me, but I didn't care. I wanted her to run back and tell Jay. That would make everything that much easier for me. As usual, he was ringing my hone off the hook every five minutes. He was probably trying to see when I was coming home. I hated to hurt his feeling, but I had no plans on going home at all this weekend.

Mike had been begging me for weeks t spend the weekend with him. He was mad when I went back home to Jay so I figured that was the least I could do. He told me he had something special planned for our night and I couldn't wait to see what it was. I had a feeling that he wanted to take our relationship to the next level sexually and I was more than ready.

We had been kicking it for a few months now, but we never did anything more than kiss. I tried to take it there a few times, but Mike would always say the timing wasn't right. It didn't matter what he said tonight, it was going down for sure. "I'll be right back," Mike said kissing me on the lips. He was back and forth taking pictures and talking with the club's owner. He wasn't the clubbing type, but since it was his building, he had to be in attendance.

"Girl, Jay is going to kill you," Tori laughed.

"Fuck Jay!" Kelly spoke up before I had the chance to. "She's grown and if she wants to be with somebody else then so be it."

I knew this conversation was more personal for Kelly seeing as how Mike was her cousin. She saw how happy we mad each other and she wanted us to be together. Besides that, she hated Jay and his entire family.

"I'm talking to Beyonce," Tori said to Kelly.

"And I'm talking to you," Kelly snapped.

Ardeema and Adrian were looking shocked as the two of them passed words back and forth. They went from talking about me and Jay to talking about each other. I saw the situation was getting out of hand, so I decided to intervene.

"Ok ya'll, lets hit the bar again." I said as I got up from my seat.

I made a mental note to talk to Kelly when Tori wasn't around. I knew how she felt about Tori, but this was not the time or place for drama. Mike didn't deserve to have his night ruined be them fussing and fighting. Kelly never acted this way with anyone before so I knew it was serious. She was usually so calm.

Tori was acting nervous. I noticed she would get up every so often to use her phone. If she wasn't on it, she was checking it. I wasn't sure what it was all about, but it was pissing Kelly off. "That bitch is a snake," she kept saying.

"Something is not right with her," Deema agreed.

"i'm telling, Beyonce is the only one that can't see she's shady." Kelly said.

"You see how she did Courtney. They were friends, but she hooked you up with Jay. She is cut throat. Don't say I didn't warn you when that bitch crosses you." Kelly was going off. I just laughed as they went on about something I didn't care about. Tori was not a threat to me at all.

"Guess who's in here," Tori asked me when she came back to her seat.

"Who?" I asked.

"Girl, Terrell. He asked about you too. I told him that Jay is still crazy and he better keep it moving." She laughed.

I don't know why she insisted on bringing Jay's name up all night. He was the last person I wanted to talk about. I kind of felt like she was doing it on purpose, knowing Mike's sisters were sitting right here with us. It wasn't like it was a secret. Everybody knew that I was with Jay, including Mike and his family.

"Girl I'm not worrying about Terrell, Jay and nobody else for that matter. I'm here with the man I want to be with." I replied.

I could tell that she didn't like what I said just by the look on her face, but I meant every word. Mike was like a breath of fresh air. I never realized how unhealthy Jay was for me until I met Micheal. He didn't treat me like a child. We had a lot in common and we got along good. I was starting to fall in love and it scared me.

It wasn't a question of if he felt the same way because I know he did. He told me he was falling in love with me weeks ago. I just needed to get away from Jay and stay away. For some reason he had a hold on me that I couldn't explain. He wasn't going to let me go without a fight and I didn't want to involve Mike in all my madness. He told me that he could deal with whatever was thrown at him and I believed that he could. Jay was cut from a different cloth and I knew how he got down.

"So how long have you been talking to MJ?" Tori asked

"Long enough to know how she loves me," he said sitting down next to me, laughing. Tori tried hard, but she failed to mask the envious look on her face. I was starting to take heed to some of the words Kelly spoke.

"I'll be right back." She said getting up from the sofa.

"I think you got a secret crush." I told Mike.

"Who, Tori?" He asked.

"Yes, Tori." Kelly said. "Don't act like you don't know. She has been mean mugging my friend on the slick all night. She about to get her ass whopped if she keep it up." Kelly was in rare form tonight.

"Don't start nothing in this man's club, Kelly" Mike said. "This is his first night opening the doors."

I had to make sure I stayed close to Kelly just in case she had other plans. I had a funny feeling about something and I was ready to go anyway. Being here was important to Mike so I had to wait until he was ready.

"How long you have to stay here?" I asked him over the music.

"I can leave whenever I'm ready. I just wanted to show my face. You ready to go?" he asked. I hated to sy yes, but my first mind was telling me that it was time to go.

"yeah, I'm hungry." I replied. I didn't want to tell Mike about the funny feeling I was having so I left it at that. Mike stood up and grabbed my hand.

"We're about to go ya'll, come on." He said to Kelly and his sisters. Ardeema was talking to one of the bartenders and it didn't look like she would be ready to go anytime soon.

"Ya'll go ahead. I know why ya'll rushing to get out of here." Kelly laughed.

"Hell no, you not staying in here so you and Tori can shut this man's club down." Mike told her. "We got her. She'll be alright." Adrian said.

"You sure?" I asked Adrian.

"Yeah, ya'll go ahead. Nobody is trying to be in here fighting like children." Adrian said while looking at Kelly.

Mike grabbed my hand and we headed down the staircase. When we got down the stairs, it was packed to capacity. Mike pulled me close so I wouldn't get lost in the crowed. We were almost at the door when I felt somebody tapping me on the shoulder. I stopped walking to turn around only to come face to face with Ty. It was as if all the wind was knocked from my body. He looked from me to Mike, then back at me again.

"What's up Beyonce?" Ty said with a smirk on his face.

"Hey," I replied nervously. He was looking at Mike like he was trying to figure out who he was.

"Is this your boo or something?" Ty asked while looking at us.

"Or something, nigga. Let's go, Bey." Mike said while pulling me along.

"Nigga, I wasn't talking to you. Mind your fucking business," Ty said to Mike.

"Nigga, she is my business." Mike said standing in front of me.

"You good fam?" One of the bouncers asked Mike.

"yeah, I'm straight." He said as we started walking off again.

"We'll see each other again." Ty said to Mike as we walked out the club.

My first mind never let me down. I knew it was a reason for the weird feelings I was having. I was so happy that we were leaving. Knowing Ty, he was telling Jay about me and Mike at this very moment.

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