Chapter 12 (Jay)

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I was so glad that things with me and my baby girl are back to normal. Beyoncé is my heart. I can't lose over no foolishness. That would kill me. Hell, she's the only female who has ever reduced me to tears. That shit still shocked me sometimes. I was never one to cry over any female. I would just move on to the next one.

Our last argument was the biggest one we've ever had. I spent over a month trying to make it up to her. I know I was a little insecure sometimes, but I was trying to work on it. I don't know what kind of hold she had on me, but I couldn't see her with anyone else.

I took Beyoncé's advice and had Drew retested. Just like the first one, it said that I was not the father. I confronted Courtney with the second results and she still denied sleeping with anyone. She was still trying to get me to come home, but that was never going to happen. The only time I go over there is to get my kids. I still treated Drew like he was my own. I was the only father he knew. It isn't his fault his mama is a hoe. I lost count of how many times I've asked Courtney for a divorce. Every time the conversation come up she gets mad and starts acting crazy.

That nigga Bentley is locked up, but I'm going to see him as soon as he get out. I wasn't salty about him sleeping with Courtney, I'm over that. I couldn't get over the fact that he cut me off like that. He was once my brother. For some reason, I thought Tori had something to do with all of this. It had to be somebody close to me for them to make all of this happen. She had access to Bentley and Drew so she was suspect number one in my book. I tried calling her a few times and she never answered. In my eyes she was guilty until she could prove me wrong. Bey didn't think she had anything to do with it, but I wasn't convinced. She played the role of friend to Courtney, but was stabbing her in the back the whole time. She knew I would leave Courtney if that type of information ever got out. The thing that pissed me off was how she did it. She could've come to me like a woman and told me what she knew. It's all good. I'll run into her sooner or later.

"What do you want to get into today? I asked Bey as we lounged around on the sofa. We really haven't spent any time together for the past few days. I had my kids and she was hanging with Kelly a lot lately. I wanted her to stay home, but I couldn't do her like that. I was trying to get better with my trust issues. I know it won't be fair for me to keep her in the house with me and my kids all day.

"I want a tattoo." She said shocking the hell out of me. Beyoncé is terrified of needles. I had so many tattoos, I lost count, but she didn't have any.

"What kind of tattoo do you want?" I asked.

"I want a butterfly." She said smiling. My baby is so pretty. I couldn't tell her no even if I wanted to.

"Alright, we can do that. You just better not be crying. You know how you are with needles." I told her.

"Just hold my hand and I'll be alright." She smiled.

"I got you, baby." I scrolled through my phone and called my boy who did all of my tattoos to get us an appointment.

We pulled up to the shop a few minutes later. Later than our scheduled appointment, but it didn't seem to be crowded. I stopped at the daiquiri shop to get Beyoncé something for her nerves. I could tell that she was scared, but she was the one who asked for it. I walked into the shop and wanted to turn my ass back around.

Out of all days, Camilla had to be in here today. She was sitting at the counter with some of her ratchet ass friends. She started whispering to her friends and looking Bey up and down. I grabbed Bey's hand and went to holler at my boy.

"What's Ye," I spoke.

"Ain't nothing up. What you getting today?" He asked me.

"I don't know yet, but my baby wants a butterfly on her back." I explained as I pointed to Bey. I could feel those bitches starring at us, but I ignored it.

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