Chapter 16 (Jay)

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I was stressed the fuck out. Beyoncé had been gone for three days now and I was losing it. I know I was wrong for putting my hands on her, but she has a way of bringing out the beast in me. I hated showing my emotions, but I couldn't help it when it came to her. Ty would always laughed at me and tease me about being pussy whipped and I couldn't even get mad because it was true. It was no secret that Beyoncé had my ass wide open. Even though I did my thing from time to time with other women, Beyoncé would always have my heart. It was killing me to be away from her this long.

I called her phone every five minutes, but she sent all my calls straight to voicemail. She's back in school now so I tried driving around there to see if I saw her. I didn't know where any of her classes were. I usually dropped her off in front of the building and she'd go from there.

The university was so big; she could've entered from anywhere. They had a million entrances and exits and I didn't know where to start.

She was never at Kelly's house because I went there damn near every hour, just to see if I could catch her. Ty went over to her mother and sisters houses to asked if they has seen her, but they both said no. They didn't know that Ty was my brother and that was a good thing. Beyonce's entire family hated me so they would've been more than happy to hide her out. That was cool with me because I was with her, not her family.

I didn't know where her feminine ass brother lived so I couldn't go to his crib. I was public enemy number one to him, but he wasn't stupid enough to step to me. She was always with Kelly so I never got a chance to meet any of her other friends.

My gut was telling me that there is another man in the picture. I just refuse to believe it.

My grandmother and mother kept telling me that she was going to be the one to break my heart, but I couldn't accept that as my fate. I was the one who always did the heartbreaking, not the other way around. I didn't like this feeling at all. My appetite was all fucked up so I barely ate. If I slept it would only be for about one or two hours, then I would be back to stressing about my problems.

My kids had been calling me like crazy about me taking them to the skating rink, but I wasn't in the mood to do much of anything. I felt really bad because I haven't seen this since all of this had happened and I promised them that we would do something. I didn't want them to suffer for what I was going through.

I looked down at my ringing phone and frowned when I saw that it was Courtney calling. That bitch has been blowing up my phone every since she found out that Beyoncé had left. I knew my kids would tell her what happened, but I didn't give a damn. I still didn't want her trifling ass anymore.

"Yea," I answered sounding annoyed.

"What you doing sounding all depressed?" She asked. She was enjoying this a little too much for me.

"What do you want, Courtney?"

"Your kids keep asking me if you're going to come and get them today. Did you forget that you're supposed to take them to the skating rink today?"

"I don't know." I sighed. "Tell them we might go tomorrow night."

"You've been saying that for the past three days, Jay. It's not fair that they have to suffer because you and her are having problems!" Courtney yelled.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you hollering at. I have a lot to do today so I don't think imma be able to make it over your way in time. Tell them that I'll take them tomorrow and they can spend a night with me." I said trying to shut her up. Besides, I needed a distraction to keep my mind off my troubles anyway.

"Ok, I'll let them know so they can stop bugging me about it."

Knowing Courtney, she was the only one worried about it. She would use my kids as excuses to get me to go over her house. I noticed she would always have on some boy shorts or a short ass dress when I would pick my kids up. She even offered to give me head on a few occasions. I was tempted to let her, but I never took the bate.

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