Chapter 9 (Tori)

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I finally did it! While Courtney and Beyoncé were fighting at my uncle TS's party, I was able to get Drew's saliva. He thought it was a game so it was a piece of cake. I opened a PO Box at the post office so the results wouldn't come to my house. If Bentley found out what I had done he would kill me. He still doesn't know that I swiped his mouth while he was passed out high. Anyway, the results were due back any day now. I went to the post office everyday, sometimes twice a day.

I talked on the phone to Courtney as I opened my box yet again. She was happy because Jay had been home for the past few days. That was only because Beyoncé and her family went to ATL to visit her brother who lived there. Supposedly, he got his failed business off the ground and they all went there to celebrate. This was her first brother. He was the oldest out the bunch and the most screwed up. The last thing I heard about him was that he had lost everything and was moving to ATL to restart his life. Anyway, we all know that as soon as Beyoncé come back, Jay will be gone again. Courtney is so stupid. Jay disrespected her in the worse way. I think he wants her to leave him, but that'll never happen. She had been in so many fights over my cousin, but had met her match with Beyoncé. She thought Beyoncé couldn't fight, but soon she found out that she was dead ass wrong.

I opened my box and scrambled through some junk mail until I came across what I had been looking for. Courtney was happy now, but that was soon about to change. I had tears in my eyes as I read the results. I couldn't believe they had this to me. Yes, indeed. Bentley is the father of Drew. He was 99.6% the father. I told Courtney that I would call her back as I pulled up to the public library.

I then borrowed some white out and used to cover up my customer information at the top of the DNA form. I then made three copies and put them in envelopes. I didn't know what I was going to do with two of the copies, but one of them was definitely for Jay. I just had to figure out a way to give it to him without him knowing it was me. I just wondered how he was going to handle the situation. He was already looking for a reason to leave her, and this was definitely it. I want to hurt Courtney just like she hurt me. Losing Jay will kill her. She loves him more than she loves herself.

Funny thing is, he love Beyoncé like Courtney loves him. I just don't think Bey feels the same way. I don't know how I'm going to handle the situation with Bentley. I love him and hate him at the same time. I was scared to be alone, so I know I'm not going to leave him. I talk about Courtney all the time, but in reality I'm no better than her. Bentley treats me the same way Jay treats Courtney. He puts me through so much with the lying, the cheating, the drugs, and the beating, yet I stay with him.

After riding around for what seemed like forever, I finally called Courtney back to see if Jay was still at home. I had to find a way to get the results to him. Maybe I could slide it under the windshield of his car. That was kind of risky though. Someone could come outside and catch me.

"Hello?" Courtney answered on the first ring.

"Hey, girl. What you doing?" I asked her.

"Nothing, I'm bored as hell in here."

"Where is Jay?" I asked hoping he was gone.

"He went to the barber shop, at least that's what he said." She responded.

That was perfect. Jay only let one person cut his hair and that was out cousin, Jerome. They would be at his shop joking and playing video games. Courtney said that he had only been gone for an hour. I knew he would probably still be there. He'll probably be there all day. I hung up the phone with Courtney and made my way over to the shop. I spotted Jay's car backed up into a parking space. I drove around the block a few times to make sure no one was coming in or out the shop. When I noticed the cost was clear I made my move. I took one of the envelopes out my purse and walked over to his car. I slipped the envelope under the windshield wiper on the drivers side of the car. It'll be the first thing he saw when he got into the car. I hate to hurt my cousin like this, but he needs to know that his wife is a dirty, sneaky, grimy, ass bitch.

Now that the hard part is over, I can breathe easily. All I have to do is wait until the shit hit the fan.

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