Chapter 22 (Jay)

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After I put my kids to bed, I grabbed my bottle of Patron and my blunt and stretched out on the sofa. Beyonce went out with some of her girls so I was on my own for a while. Our relationship seemed kind of off lately. I tried doing everything that I could think of to put a smile on her face, but it never seemed to be enough.

She complained about the smallest shit. She was getting tired of my kids being here so much so I slacked up with their visits. That still didn't work. She always found something else to be mad about. It was crazy that I went out of my way to please her and I had a wife who was willing to do the same for me. I ran after Beyonce like Courtney ran after me.

I know I did Courtney wrong, but I didn't love her anymore. It was wrong of me to even spend nights at her house and even worse that I slept with her. In her mind, we were getting back together and I know I led her on. She wanted more from me than I was willing to give. I asked her for a divorce millions of times, but she wasn't trying to hear me.

Our entire marriage was doomed from the start. She had me by the balls when I was locked up so I really didn't have a choice. I tried telling her that we'd get married when I got out but she knew that was a lie. Lately, she had been on some stalker shit and I ended up having to restrict her calls because called me so much. She didn't care what time of day or night it was, she would ring my phone off the hook. Beyonce was fed up with her so I had to block her from calling.

Just recently, she started calling me from somebody else's phone with her bullshit. She ended up finding out about me and her sister. Sometimes I didn't understand how or why Courtney even wanted me. I ain't shit. I did things that no married man should have even done. She lowered her standards so may times to please me, but it was never enough to keep me from wandering. Another woman had done something that she could never do and that was make me fall in love. That was something I swore I would never do.

I love Courtney, but I was never in love with her. I loved her for all the wrongs reasons. I loved her because she basically held my gun and did most of my dirty work. She accepted things that Beyonce or no other woman would ever put up with She made me more of a priority than herself and my kids and I hated that. Courtney had really low self-esteem and that was unattractive to me.

Beyonce had more confidence than women twice her age. That was one thing that drew me to her. She made it known that she wanted me, but she didn't need me. She was demonstrating that now since I had been calling her phone nonstop for over two hours without getting an answer. I had a feeling she was on some bullshit again. She was never home and when I asked her anything about her whereabouts, she would blow up.

After Tori called me I jumped up from my seat and rushed to my closet. I got dressed in some jeans and a hoodie before grabbing my gun. Once I secured it in my pocket I started heading for the door, that was until I heard coughing coming from the other bedroom.

Damn! I was so busy rushing out of here to go see about Beyonce, I almost left my kids in the alone. I went into the bedroom to check on them and they were all sleep. I hated to do it, but I had to wake them up. There was no way they could stay in here by themselves. I would just have to bring them home before I went anywhere. It was going to delay me a few minutes, but it had to be done.

"Where we going daddy?" My daughter asked me sleepily.

"I'm bringing ya'll home. I have to go handle something right quick. I'll come get ya'll again later on."

"Where's Beyonce?" She asked.

"She's not here. I'm about to go get her now." I picked up Drew while the rest of them followed me out to the car. I called Courtney to let her know that we were on our way.

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