Chapter 10 (Jay)

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I've been at home spending time with my kids. My baby girl was in Atlanta visiting her brother and I missed the hell out of her. I was so happy she was coming home tomorrow. Courtney was driving me crazy so I decided to go to one of my barbershops and chill.

My cousin Jerome ran the place for me since he was a licensed barber. I only had the place to keep my dirty money a secret, but the profits were damn good. After being their for hours I said my goodbyes and prepared to go home.

When I got to my car the first thing I noticed was an envelope on my windshield. I looked around to see if anyone was watching me. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary so I grabbed the paper and jumped into my car. At first I thought it might be pictures, but the envelope was too light. I was curious about it, so when I stopped at a red light I tore the envelope up and pulled the piece of paper out.

"What the fuck!" I said out loud to myself.

The car behind me had honk its horn. I hadn't even realized the light had turned green. This had to be some kind of joke. According to these papers, Bentley was the biological father of Drew. This was no joke. There is no mistaking the truth that starred me in my face. The paperwork was definitely official. How else would they have both Bentley and Drew's full names and birth dates.

It appeared that who ever wanted me to see this wanted to stay anonymous. The customer info at the top of the paper was blank. I had no idea, but at this point I don't care. I always had my doubts about Drew being mine, but Bentley never crossed my mind. It all made sense now. The reason why that nigga went left on me is because he was fucking Courtney. I wondered how long this was going on. I really don't know how to feel at this point. Bentley was like a brother to me at one point in life. That pissed me off more than anything.

A part of me feel like they both did me a huge favor. There was no doubt in my mind that Courtney and I were history. I was looking for a way out and she just gave it to me. I wasn't even going to wait until the morning and leave. I was going to pack my shit and be out tonight.

The house was dark and quiet when I got in and I was happy. My kids are sleeping so they won't see me leaving. I know Courtney isn't going to let me leave without a fight, but I'm prepared for her.

I walked in our bedroom and headed straight for the walk in closet and started packing my shit. I know I won't be able to get everything tonight, but I want to get the most important things first. Knowing Courtney's ghetto ass, the rest of my shit would be in flames by the morning. Courtney was in bed watching tv when she noticed me packing my stuff. She immediately jumped up and started yelling at me.

"Jay what the hell are you doing?!"

"Man, Courtney, I'm out of here and don't start screaming in shit before you wake up my kids." I knew that wasn't going to happen.

"What do you mean out of here? How are you going to leave your kids for another woman?" She started crying but I wasn't buying that shit.

"First of all, I'm not leaving them. I'm leaving you. Secondly, this doesn't have anything to do with Beyoncé. This is all you."

"What's all of me? I have did nothing but do everything I could to keep our family together. You were the one who brought a third person into out marriage."

"Ok, if you haven't done nothing answer this, who were you fucking when I was locked up?" She had a surprises look on her face that she quickly erased.

"I wasn't fucking anyone. I don't know who you've been talking to, but someone is lying on me!"

I continued to packing. My mind is made up. I'm leaving.

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