Chapter 19 (Tori)

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I couldn't believe those scary bitches jumped me. I didn't claim to be the best fighter in the world, but I could home my own when it was one on one. Courtney and her sisters couldn't fight for shit so they were always jumping somebody. I was in my bathroom mirror looking at the damage they had done to my face. I had a small bruise under my left eye and a few scratches, but it was nothing that a little makeup couldn't fix. Since it was three against one, I should have been in far worse shape than I was in. That was how I knew that none of them bitches had hands. It was far from over though. I would make sure I saw each and everyone of them again, especially Courtney. I still had a few tricks up my sleeve for her nasty ass.

I walked to my kitchen to fix myself a drink when my phone started ringing. I knew it was Bentley because he had been blowing my phone up for the past few days. I kept telling him that I couldn't come up with the money to get him out, but he wasn't trying to hear that. I went to my walk in closet in search of the perfect outfit for later today.

MJ, the owner of the building where I worked, gave me a VIP invitation to the grand opening of the club that he was leasing to his friend. Well he actually gave it to his dad to give to me, but I was still happy that he even thought of me at all. Bentkey and nobody else was going to ruin my day. I kind of wished MJ would have invited me to go with him, but I would take what I could get for now.

Tonight was going to be thee night I told him how I feel. I was tired of crushing on him from a distance. There was nothing shy about me so I wasn't scared to put my feelings out there. He never mentioned having a girlfriend so that was a good thing. Knowing how good he looked, he was probably a ladies man just like Jay.

My phone started ringing again just as I stepped out my closet carrying my outfit for the day.

"Hello?" I answered trying to sound tired.

"Your ass is not sleeping so you can stop faking!" Bentley yelled into the phone.

He called me all times of the day and night from a cell phone that one of the guards smuggled in for the inmates.

"It's late Bentley, what do you want?" I asked with an attitude.

"Bitch, you sure been talking reckless since I been locked up, huh?" I ain't going to be in this bitch forever, remember that." He replied. "What's going on with you trying to get me out of here? These people trying to make me do six months if I don't com up with the bail money."

"I already told you that I can't come up with that kind of money by myself. I'm working a bunch of overtime trying to keep these bills paid."

If I did have the money, I wouldn't have gotten him out anyway. He needed to be in there to detox. I was really feeling MJ so I didn't care if he ever came home.

"So you can't ask anybody in you family to lend you the money? What about Jay? He spends more that that taking that bitch Beyonce shopping. I know he got it." Bentley said.

He was foul as hell for even asking me to go to Jay for help. Nobody in my family would give me a dime to help him out.

"Well, maybe if you wouldn't have been fucking his wife while he was in jail he probably would have helped you out. And besides, you was the one who stopped fucking with him, not the other way around." I replied sarcastically.

"What! Who said I fucked her? That's a lie," Bentley said like I was stupid.

"Ok Bentley. Play dumb if you want to. Jay already knows everything. And he knows that Drew is yours too."

"Man you got me fucked up! That lil boy is not mine!" He shouted. I could see he was going to take this to the grave so I decided to put a stop to it now.

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