Chapter 5 (Beyonce)

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I braced my hands on the headboard of our California King bed as I rotated my hips. I straddled Jay's face and moaned in pleasure as Jay ate. Jay held on to my hips to keep me from running away from his tongue. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as I released and fell over on my side.

"I know you didn't tap out on me." Jay laughed as I scooted away from him.

Jay and I had been hibernating in our condo, sexing each other like rabbits for two days. I was suffocating and I need to get out of the house and today was the day. Kelly and I had plans to hit the mall but I had yet to run it by Jay. He seem to always have a problem whenever I went somewhere without him. He had been so preoccupied with his father's homecoming and I hope like hell he had something planned for today. There was no way he was coming with us. I had my own agenda so I wasn't going to offer. I has recently started started talking to my ex-boyfriend again. I ran into him at the club the night Courtney and I got into that fight at the gas station, and we've been talking every since.

When Kelly picked me up from my sisters house we went to the daiquiri shop and we saw Terrell there. We talked for a while and he ended up coming back to Kelly's house with us. Talking to Terrell felt good. We didn't have a bad break up or anything. He ended up moving to Virginia for school and we both decided the long distant relationship wouldn't work. He probably would've ended up staying the night at Kelly's house if Jay hadn't been blowing up my phone. I called him back and pretended to be sleep, but that didn't work. He still ended up picking me up after 2 in the morning. Terrell was meeting us at the mall and I needed to get a move on. First, I needed to let Jay know my plans for today.

"Kelly and I are going to the mall for a little while."

"Yea?" Jay asked. "What do you need from the mall, you still got shit in the closet with tags on it."

"I know that, but I still want to go to the mall. I might see something else I like."

He just looked at me. I know he's looking for something else to say. He's so predictable.

"You need money?"

"Nope," was my simple reply.

"What you mean no? Where you get money from?"

"I have money in my savings account. Jay, you put money in there every month, remember?" I'm starting to feel like I'm talking to my dad, not my man.

"I told you not to touch that money unless it's an emergency. If you need something, tell me." This is the shit I hate. I was the youngest of 4 and the eldest of 1. I have 3 brothers and 2 brothers. And even though I wasn't the baby, everyone treated me like one. Hell, my 17 year old sister Solange has more freedoms than I do. Jay was the worse of them all. Because of them I don't have an independent bone in my body. I couldn't cook a decent meal if I wanted to. Jay would take me out to dinner before he let that happen.

"I guess I need money then." I said with much attitude. I scooted out of bed and grabbed my clothes. I was still necked and I could feel Jay's eyes on me so I hurried into the bathroom before he tried to pull me back in bed.

Once I got dressed I called Kelly to let her know I was ready. Jay was on his phone with his dad, but he did walk over to me and hand me a stack of cash. His dad was due to come home the following weekend and he and Tori was excited. Jay's dad and Tori's dad were brothers. Tori's day died when she was 8 so her uncle Ty'Shawn or TS as they would call him, took care of her. They were both going crazy, buying him clothes, shoes and preparing for the barbecue they were giving. Jay wanted to have it at a park so that I could be there to meet his dad. Of course I wouldn't coming because it was going to be at his house. He asked me to come but I declined. He always used Tori to as an excuse when he invited me places because we were friends, but his house is off limits.

I got a text from Kelly saying she was outside. I grabbed my purse, kissed Jay and left. Once I was in the car I called Terrell to let him know we were on our way to the mall. I was excited to see him again, but I was nervous about Jay finding out. Even though he was married, he was adamant about me not being with anyone else. Jay has never hit me and I don't ever want it to come down to that.

Kelly and I parked near the food court of Fairlane mall and waited 10 minutes until Terrell pulled up. Terrell spoke to Kelly and hugged me. He knew about my relationship with Jay but he didn't care. He said that since Jay is married, I'm fair game.

The three of us walked into the mall discussing which stores to hit up first.

After about three hours and two trips to the car we were done. We decided to get some Chinese from the mall's food court. We found a table to relax at and chilled while we ate. Terrell ate with one hand the whole time because he kept his other one around me.

"Hey, Bey."

I almost died when I turned around and saw Tori standing there with a smirk on her face. What's worse is who she had with her. "Yes, indeed." Courtney's hood rat ass laughed. I'm sure she's excited to see her husbands mistress with another man. I already knew I was busted. There is no doubt in my mind that she was going to rube this in Jay's face. It's all good though. I'll never let that bitch see me sweat. "Hey y'all. What you doing here Tori?"

"Shopping for uncle TS."

"Oh yea, he comes home next weekend, huh?" I said to get under Courtney's skin. She's standing there with a sour look on her face. Terrell's arm is still around me and I didn't try to move it.

"Girl, yes. I can't wait." She said looking at Terrell. "Don't I know you? Terrell, right?"

"Yea, you remember Terrell, right? We use to talk in high school." Since I knew Courtney was going to tell it all, I at least wanted the bitch to get the story right.

"Hey, Kelly." Tori spoke to my bestie.

"Hey." Kelly spoke dryly. She don't care for Tori much anymore. She thought Tori was dirty for hooking me with Jay while being friends with his wife.

"You ready to go, friend?" Kelly asked. Her timing was perfect because I was more than ready to bounce.

"Well girl I'm about to go. Let me know if you need help with your uncle's party." I know she didn't need help, but I love to fuck with Courtney.

"She's fine. I'm helping her with my father-in-law's party." Courtney responded putting emphasis on her father-in-law statement. That shit was funny so I nodded a laughed. "Alright, when you see Jay, tell him I'll explain later." Kelly and Tori laughed before we walked away. I know that bitch was watching so I grabbed Terrell's hand switch my ass as hard as I could.

All I had to do now was sit and wait for hurricane Jay to make its landfall.

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