4 stairs

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"An hour for all of you to wash up!" Half the girls in the dorm crowded around the door, exiting one by one.

"Dahyun! Let's go!" Chaeyoung grabbed my arm.

I took a quick glance at Sana's bunk.

She was laying there using her phone.

It was my chance, Mina was gone, I would get to talk to her.

"You go first, the queue might be long so I'll shower later," Chaeyoung nodded looking slightly upset but went alone anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I did feel bad, but Sana.


Slowly, more and more girls started to leave the room.

I wanted to approach her, I really, really wanted to start a conversation with her.

More than anything, in that short moment, it was all I wished for.

For you to look around and realise I was there.

For you to get up and speak to me.


A minute passed, maybe half. I couldn't wait any longer.

It was pointless. Sana seemed too engrossed in her phone.

Kim Dahyun, what are you doing.

I sighed. Disappointment and regret all let out in that one sigh.

I slowly grabbed my clothes and soap.

What a waste of time.

I slowly walked towards the door, hoping maybe, just maybe,

you would call my name.

I grabbed the door handle and dragged it down.

It made a squeak. A soft squeak that was loud enough for Sana to hear.

It wasn't on purpose, but I was now thankful for that old un-oiled door.


It felt as if my world that had just crumbled down was miraculously built back up.

"I though you'd never call," The words unconsciously escaped my mouth.

"What?" Her eyes were now staring at me.

I only met her a few weeks ago and she's only looked at me a few times, but I longed for it.

I missed it.

I was crazy. I knew nothing about this strange woman.

Except that she's five years older and Japanese.

Infatuation. This it what it does to you.

"Nothing," I gave an awkward laugh.

"You're going to shower right? Wait for me, we can walk together," It was an understatement to say I haven't felt this excited for something in a long time.

She bent over to her small luggage and pulled some things out.

I could barely specify what they were because I was too busy looking at her.

She finally looked up with a smile, holding a small waterproof bag. I assumed it contained her toiletries and clothes.

She quickly walked towards me as we exited the dorm room together.


Was all I could feel while I was walking beside her. 

"So, what made you sign up for this college?" I had to break the silence one way or another.

For the first time, I was glad that our dorm was located three flights of stairs away from the shower toilet.

Maybe this could be a thing.

That we can walk to the shower and talk everyday...

I don't usually set my hopes up for things unless I knew for sure they were going to happen.

But Sana is different.

Sana makes me hope and believe so hard in the smallest things.

In something as small as me walking with her to the shower.

I loved her company. No matter how exhausted I felt, I turned so alive with her.

Kim Dahyun, you've gone crazy...

Crazy in love.

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