8 peanut butter

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No, she didn't like me that way.

She meant it as a friend.

But I was fine with it, her liking me was still... it still... felt so good.

"Okay everyone! Time is up, I believe everyone is done with their timeline," Someone called out as we all turned.

Just when we got to the actual fun part.

I couldn't hear anything else from that moment on except Sana's "I like you,"

I've been brainwashed by her.

When he dismissed everyone, I quickly got up and went to the toilet.

My face was red. Actual red.

I was blushing furiously.

I was thankful that the room was slightly dimmed, or she would've seen my bloodshot face.

I quickly walked back to the dorm hoping to lie down and come to my senses before supper.

Supper was optional but I loved going, not for the food, but just to admire the atmosphere, all the loud laughters, people playing boardgames, short arguments.

The liveliness in general.

I climbed up the long flights of stairs.

As I pass every flight, I recalled the short time I spent with Sana.

All our conversations. I remembered them vividly.

"Dahyun!" Chaeyoung ran to me as i entered the dorm.

"Where were you!"

"Toilet," I smiled. I couldn't stop thinking about what Sana had said.

"Something's really up with you lately," She looked skeptical but it didn't seem like she would find out anytime soon so I didn't bother worrying.

I simply laughed in return.

"You're the weird one," I gently pushed her shoulder.

More than half the girls were in their dorm.

The rest probably went to shower.

I climbed up to my bed to see my timeline up there.

I glanced over at Sana's bed.

"You left it in the room," She mouthed out to me as she chuckled.

"Have you been staring at me this whole time?" I mouthed back.

Even the thought of it excited me, she was staring the moment I entered the room. It was the only explanation as to why she could respond the moment I looked at her.

I could tell she read my lips because she started laughing after that.

This woman will be the death of me.

The girl nearest to the light switch turned them off after checking repeatedly if everyone was ready for bed.

It was a long tiring day, I laid down, hoping I'd be able to get some sleep for tomorrow.

"Because you're so funny,"

"Because I like you,"

I couldn't help but smile at her sentence.

I made my heart- no, body flutter, if there was even such a thing.

"See you in the morning," I silently said to Sana, though it was clear no one would hear me.


"Dahyun! Wake up! We're late!" I opened my eyes, it was broad daylight.

It seems as if Chaeyoung had been trying to wake me up for a long time now.

"Oh gosh," I groaned as I slowly got up.

"Seven fifty!"

"Seven fifty?!" We were supposed to gather at the pantry for breakfast by seven thirty.

The week of activities still weren't over so we had to sleep late and get up early.

"Run run run!" I signaled to Chaeyoung as we both burst through the door.

"Shit! Toothpaste!" I cussed.

Chaeyoung tossed me hers and I brushed my teeth as quickly as I could.

"You can go first, I don't want you to get scolded because of me," I shooed her away.

Chaeyoung had been through a lot because of me and I felt bad.

"It's alright, a little yelling won't kill me," She shrugged.


We ran down the flights of stairs.

The whole pantry was noisy, the woman turned her head to glare at us.

To our surprise, that was it. No screams, no punishments.

We sat with Tzuyu and her friend Jihyo.

Tzuyu was our age but Jihyo was a year older.

"Hi!" I greeted as them as I munched on my bread.

I was starving.

I went to the center to get more peanut butter.

"Need help?"

I didn't have to look up to recognise who it was.

Her strong scent that smelled just- so Sana.

Her sweet gentle voice.

I smiled at her.

"It's alright,"

I unscrewed the peanut butter and realised it was brand new.

Turns out I did need help.

There was a plastic cover and I wasn't good at pealing things properly.

"Are you sure?" She chuckled when she saw me stuck.

"I know a way," I smirked as I squeezed the  plastic jar as hard as I could.

"Dahyun, you shouldn't do it li-,"

It popped open.

Some peanut butter shot up and got onto my face and hands.

"Dahyun!" Sana exclaimed as she laughed.

It was nice seeing her laugh.

I would never get sick of it.

"Oops," I cracked up too.

She helped me clean the table as I washed my hands at the sink near by.

"There's still," She stared at me.


She said nothing and grabbed a napkin from the table.

Her arms stretched till the napkin reached my face as she gently held onto my face as she wiped the peanut butter off.

It was an understatement to say I was panicking.

My brain stopped functioning, my face was on fire.

My whole body felt strange, my heart was beating out of my chest.

"There, no more now," She smiled in satisfaction.

I smiled too, for a different reason though.

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