28 like friends

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A new part! I made the wait shorted this time! Thank you for supporting the story for so long! Words can't express how much that means... other than "more than you think,"


"I'm too old for this," She laughed.

The game was dodge ball, and everyone got to attack to dodging team.

We were up next.

"I'm going to get hit on purpose so I can get out of playing this game," She whispered to me.

"Of course grandma would refuse any physically tiring activity, even if it's her last camp with me," I sighed, talking about her in third person and earning a smack on the arm.

"Let's lose quickly together," She laughed.

She was talking to me like a friend, inviting me to join her in the little things she does.

It the tiniest thing, but it meant so much.


"Sana, out!"

Sana walked out of the play area, smiling at me cheekily.

Every now and then, I'd question if she was really her age. Were all 21 year olds like this? No, I don't think so, I recall meeting her peers, they weren't like this.

Sana was special like that.

A few seconds later, I too, got hit by the ball.

I turned to look at her.

She mouthed a "hurry up" as I quickly walked towards her.

We left the game room together.

"You know I'm only doing this because of you right?" I reminded as she nodded happily.

We sat down on the canteen's bench.

"Coffee?" She pointed at the vending machine, turning back to me.

"If I can't sleep tonight, I'm going to wake you up," I nudged her shoulder, teasing.

"I'm going to ignore you," she laughed.

"I'll kick your bed!"

"I'll still ignore you,"

"I'll really do it, I'm not kidding," I warned her with a straight face.

She nodded as she walked towards the machine.

"You like coffee?" I tilted my head so it was in front of her and blocking her view of the machine.

"Quite a bit," She smirked.

Soon the first can of coffee dropped, I bent down and picked it up.

"Thank you," I bowed, as if thanking a teacher.

"I'm not that old," She elbowed my back when I was still facing the floor.

I cracked open the can and took a sip, and oh boy was it disgusting.

"What's with that face?" She laughed at my scrunched up expression.

"It's so bitter,"

She laughed, opening hers.

"I'll drink it because you're drinking it," I smiled, chugging down all the can's liquid with my eyes closed, trying to ignore the bitter taste.

"Dahyun! Stop! Even I don't drink that fast!" She chuckled, but worriedly warned as she gently tilted the can away from my mouth.

The small actions you did to show that you cared. The second you tilted the can away from my lips, my only thought was that the world needed more people like you.

People who genuinely care for others.

"You made it drip on my face!" I responded, with a hint of teasing anger. Suppressing how touched I really was.

"Alright," She grabbed a napkin from the tissue box on the table.

Gently, wiping the coffee away.

I tensed up at the contact.

"Okay! It's gone!" I laughed, hoping she didn't notice my awkwardness.

"Kim Dahyun!" I was startled.

Something broke our peaceful silence.

Son Chaeyoung.

"Are you ditching me for Sana now?" She glared, then turning to give Sana a polite smile as if conveying an apology.

"Oh no! She's all yours," Sana laughed.

She got up.

Please- Don't go.

"Anyway, Irene calling everyone back, the game is over," She turner and ran back into the game room.

"Let's go," Sana tilted her head in the direction of the game room.

"I hope you all had fun breaking the ice! Now, the surprise," Irene declared.

The room was silent, and filled with puzzled faces.

Everyone could hear the game room door open.

There were several people carrying in tent equipment, smiling at Irene.

"You all have probably guessed it. You're sleeping in a tent! There's a grass patch right behind this building, that where all of us will be sleeping," She clapped her hands together in satisfaction.

A mixture of grunts and cheers were heard among the small crowd.

"Instructions are simple, two people per tent, both of the same gender. Once you've found your partner, take one set of tent equipment and head out, there are instructors outside waiting,"

At that moment, I didn't care about anything other than Sana being my partner.

It had to happen.

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