32 campfire

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Dinner was great. We were sitting together doing our thing. I'd tease her and she'd retaliate while laughing.

All these went on and I could- for a very short moment forget that she was leaving.

That this would be the last camp with her.

I was having the time of my life but it hurt whenever I remembered she was leaving soon.

"Camps like these are fun, like you," She teased, looking into my eyes.

I nodded, mood slightly down after remembering she was leaving soon.

"You should join the planning committee for the next camp, when is that by the way?" She asked, chucking another chicken cube in her mouth.

"The next camp is a Christmas one I think," I shrugged.

"You won't be here anyway," I sighed, afraid of showing her my disappointment.

I seemed to have failed because her voice softened.

"I'll miss you, you child," She ruffled up the front layers of my hair.

"Hey," I pulled back.

"Cheer up, I'm not going to die! You kept going on about making the last camp worth it," She teased, pushing my food plate nearer to me, initiating that I continue eating.

It's the little things you weren't even aware you did that make you so adorable.

Gathered in a circle around the fire, Sana's face looked even prettier with a hint of orange.

I stared at her from the other side of the circle. We were back where we belonged.

She was with Mina and Taehyung, they seemed to be talking about something.

You weren't laughing with them like you did with me.

It was the only thing I noticed.

I could've been brainwashing myself, a small part of me just so badly hoped I would be the only one that made her laugh.

Chaeyoung, Jihyo and Tzuyu were singing some camp fire song so I joined in.

Singing, marshmallow chucked into the fire for way too long, eyes still fixated on Sana.

It was a blessing that it was dark, she would never catch me staring.

"Dahyun! Your marshmallow!" Tzuyu exclaimed.

Their singing came to a halt.

My marshmallow... had caught on fire.

"Help!" I turned to Irene hoping the responsible adult here would know what to do.

Irene put the fire out and my marshmallow... well, now looked like charcoal.

But it didn't matter. I couldn't care less about the stupid marshmallow now that I realised Sana was looking at me.

Sana was laughing her butt off to be exact.

Her laugh echoed through the whole crowd. It was one of the few things I liked about her.

She always cared about what others thought, she'd be perfect and proper, until she starts laughing.

She seems to forget everything, especially how loud her laugh is.


Instinctively, I turned to her and smiled.

She stood up and walked over to me.

It's like time froze. I wasn't being over dramatic.

If you spend every hour hoping you'd get to spend time with someone, when you get to, it's the (dare I say) best feeling in the world.

She walked out of the circle to stand in front of me.

We stared at each other for awhile, both unsure of what to say.

I wondered why she walked up in the first place.

I assumed you simply felt responsible for me, like an older sister would.

And I liked that. I loved that.

"Uh, it's burnt," I broke the silence, awkwardly raising the stick so the marshmallow was almost touching her nose.

"I can see that," She laughed.

"Let me help you," She walked to the fresh packet of marshmallows, placed in a box beside Irene.

She gave Irene a nod, a simple nod that somewhat seemed like a conversation between 2 adults about a kid.

I didn't mind, not at all.

She pulled out two marshmallows.

She reached out to pull out the burnt one.

"Ouch!" She squealed, retreating her hand.

"Why did you touch it?" I asked, Sana wasn't one to be careless.

"I don't know, look what you did," She laughed.

"I'm becoming more like you," Still chuckling, she managed to wiggle the burnt marshmallow off and replace it with a new one.

"And this," She held the second marchmallow in her hand.

"Is a backup. In case you burn this one," She smirked proudly, chucking the second one in my hand.

I stuffed the "backup" in my mouth, cheekily laughing.

"So when are you officially leaving," I tried my best to sound as unbothered as I could but I could suppress my feelings to a certain extent. How could I act like it wasn't something that occupied my mind almost every second?

We walked back towards the crowd and settled on a spot near the fire but slightly seperated from the sections of people.

"Next week will be my last class with you, I thought I'd leave later, but I guess not," She shrugged.

"You don't seem to care very much about leaving earlier than expected," I pointed out, trying to read her eyes.

"Well, I'm, I have no close friends, no lover, no family here," She pointed out.

"My home is in Japan,"

But you were my home.

Where would I go if you leave?

I brushed the dumb thoughts away and replied something that made more sense.

"Isn't Mina your close friend?" I turned my head in her direction, she seemed to be laughing with the other older kids.

"She's my friend, of course, but we're not that close outside of school,"

Then I started to wonder if she was close to anyone in this country outside of school.

Maybe Japan was best for her. Maybe she'd be happier with her family and friends there.

How selfish of me, to want you to stay here forever.

"Next week is the last," I whispered to myself, still finding the fact unbelievable.

"Last what?" Chaeyoung turned her head. I thought she had already fallen asleep.

"It's nothing, let's sleep," I gave her a weak smile, closing my eyes so she wouldn't see the tears glistening in them.

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