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I see you beside me

It's only a dream a vision of what used to be

Dylan is drinking again. Just so he could sleep. And forget. He wants to be numb so as not to feel this throbbing pain in his heart that just wouldn't go away.

The laughter, the sorrow, pictures in time fading to memories

One month. That's how long she's been missing. It's like she vanished on the face of the earth. He did everything just to find her. A private investigator is of no help too. He even braved going to Yue's best friend, Xiaowen, and begged her to tell him Yue's whereabouts. But she wouldn't budge. And just asked him to leave.

A month is such a short period of time. But for Dylan, it seemed like forever.

He should be ecstatic, right? He should be celebrating. This is what he wanted. For her to get out of his life. He finally succeeded in driving her out. Now he can finally be together with the love of his life. But why does it feel like his heart is being torn into pieces every time the realization hits him that she is gone?

How could I ever let you go? Is it too late to let you know...

He misses her. 

God, he misses her so bad.

I tried to run from your side, but each place I hide, it only reminds me of you...

He couldn't even bear to go home. Because their home reminds him of her. How she loved him. And how he hurt her. How he treated her unfairly. Yes, he is the biggest idiot around.

He closed his eyes and he could still vividly see the look she gave him the night she disappeared. He was out of control of his emotions that night. He hit her and even pushed her too hard.

Every time he will vent his anger on her even for no apparent reason, she will just lower her head and cry. But that night...

That night she just looked at him. With those sad brown eyes, surprisingly devoid of tears. He was about to go on another tirade but seeing her looking at him like that, he trailed off. Her eyes, which are usually full of life, are staring blankly at him. Like something has snapped.

He just walked out on her because he cannot stand her looking at him like that. And when he went home the next day, Yue was no longer there. And on the table on her side of the bed is a letter addressed to him. And her wedding ring.

I needed my freedom that's what I thought but I was a fool to believe

Yue is gone. He broke her. And to think she is the toughest yet gentlest woman he knows. But he managed to drive her away.

My heart lied while you cried rivers of tears but I was too blind to see

And now he was at a loss. He doesn't know what to do anymore.

He took another swig at the bottle he was holding and cried himself to sleep.


So here it is! I still can't believe I am doing this 🙈

I  am sorry if I made Dylan suffer. I am suffering too while I was writing this. Probably the next chapters won't hurt as much. But no promises! 😊

Pardon my ramblings. Please just associate it with first time writer blues.

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