Chapter 16

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"Meet me at our house tonight. Eight o'clock."

Dylan had to blink hard to make sure his eyes were not deceiving him. Yue wants to meet with him. She finally granted his request, after begging her endlessly for the past three months.

Dylan felt a flicker of hope burgeoning in his chest. At long last!

Yue has forbidden him to go near her again after their brief encounter at the hospital. She ignored all his messages and refused to take his calls.

She banned him at the Shen Mansion and left strict instructions not to let him in at her private office.

Dylan hoped to at least see Yue in their company's board meetings but Yue just sent her assistant to represent her.

And now, it seems his prayers have been granted.

Yue wants to meet with him!

Does it mean that he was finally able to get through to her?

Does it mean that he gets another chance?

Because if this is Yue giving him another chance, he's sure as hell won't waste it. He will do everything in his power to make it up to her.

He knows a lifetime isn't enough to atone for what he did but he'll give this his best shot.

Dylan was adamant before to talk to Yue because he really wanted to say he's sorry.

But eventually, he realized that saying sorry and begging for her forgiveness will not do. Because how can he say sorry when he knows that words were not enough?

Even a billion sorrys will never be enough.

How can he ask for forgiveness when he can't even forgive himself?

He loathes himself. The beast that he had become.

The truth is, Dylan was starting to lose hope. He knows he made a big mess of things and he's doubtful if he'll ever get the chance to make everything right.

But then he received this message.

He can finally see her and talk to her. He can start showing her how much he's regretting what he did.

He immediately dialed Caesar's number. Caesar recently has been making him go out more. He said he's been moping around for too long.

"Hey bro. I will not be able to meet up with you later."

"Why? You'll sulk again in your apartment? No can do bro. If I have to drag you out I will. Don't make me do it Di."

"No sulking this time. I am meeting Yue later." Dylan said, barely containing his excitement.

"What? Yue agreed to see you? How? Why? When did this happen?" Caesar asked, obviously surprised.

"Yes. I just received a message from Yue that she wants to meet with me later. So I cannot go out with you. Maybe she finally took pity on me. But whatever her reason is, I'm just too happy I am given this chance."

Dylan sounded so chirpy, Caesar felt he had to warn him somehow. "I am happy that she reached out to you but don't get too excited Di. The last time I saw her, she warned me she will shun me in her life too if I ever dared to even speak your name."

"She probably has changed her mind. Maybe my endless plea's have broken her resolve."

"Whatever man. Just don't get too worked up on this okay?"

"Don't be too negative Caesar. You're jinxing me!"


Dylan wasn't expecting to be gripped with a feeling of disgust as he entered their house for the first time after a long time. He hasn't come back here since the day Yue left him.

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