Chapter 20

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Yue feels like she's trapped in a nightmare. She would be glad if indeed this is all a bad dream. Because she can wake up anytime and all this will be over.

But she's not dreaming.

And she's so numb she feels like her body is not her own.

When she felt the arms of her father enclosing her for a tight embrace, it's as if Yue was awakened from her trance.

And she just found herself breaking down.

Her anguished cry shattered the stillness of the moment. And she swears she heard her heart break.

And the jagged pieces are now slicing on every fiber of her being.


Yue almost tripped on the stairs leading to the front door in her haste to see if Dylan is home. She still hasn't heard from him. She was angry and hurt and disappointed after her encounter with Fei Fei.

Now she's just worried.

In the past six months, Dylan always sends her a message. Mostly just to remind her to eat. Or tell her that he's gonna be a bit late. She never replied to any of his messages but that never fazed him.

He sends her a message every single day.

Until today.

She was ready to believe what Fei Fei said. But when she had time to process things, she realized that there's a big possibility that she's lying.

Dylan won't do that to her.

Yue might not be sure about a lot of things but she's certain of one thing now.

Dylan loves her. He wouldn't go to such lengths if he didn't.

And she loves Dylan. With all of her whole being.

And she will not allow anyone, especially that vile woman take her happiness away from her.

Not this time.


Yue jumped when the doorbell rang. She rushed to the door hoping it was Dylan but she was surprised to see that it's their lawyer, Li Qiang.

"What are you doing here Qiang? Come in," Yue hugged her lawyer-friend and gestured for him to follow her inside.

Li Qiang started as their corporate lawyer around the time that Yue started at the Shen Corporation. They hit it off at once and Yue treats him as her older brother.

It was also Qiang who prepared their divorce papers.

"Hi, Yue. Is Dylan here? He's not answering his phone and he's not replying to my messages. We were supposed to meet earlier but he never came."

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