Chapter 11

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"You did what?" Jia shrieked at Yue after she told her what happened.

They are now in Yue's room at the Shen's mansion.

"You and Dylan should really be together. You are a pair of idiots! You both make me insane! Yue what were you thinking?"

"That's the thing Jia. I didn't think. It was a spur of the moment thing. At that moment all I saw was the face of Uncle Chen looking so desperate and afraid. Like a child about to be discovered that he broke a favorite and very expensive vase. And then I remembered Dylan telling me countless times how much he idolizes his father..."

"Last night I thought Dylan is gonna hate me anyway and it is okay to absorb everything. But seeing that look in his eyes before he left. It's like his soul left his body. His hate towards me is very palpable. You can smell it. He is disgusted just by looking at me. And by then, it was too late to take it all back." Yue said, covering her face while stifling a sob.

"Oh Yue" was all Jia could say before approaching her cousin and hugging her.

When she's able to get a hold of her emotions, Yue lied down on her bed. Jia did the same.

"I will talk to dad later. We have to find another way to help the Wangs without the need to marry us off. I was caught unaware when they discussed it with me and I just agreed. And because I was ecstatic for a moment that Dylan will be mine. Do you know how good that feels even though I know that it is not right? Yes, that's it. There's no wedding, no company acquisition, merger or whatever. I will convince dad that we will just lend them the money." Yue rambled, trying to convince herself.

Jia sighed. "I really hope that is a viable option Yue. For your sake and Dylan and for my sanity."


Dylan barged in his father's office. He needs an explanation. He needs answers.

"Dad. Why do you have to enter into an agreement with the Shen's just like that without even consulting me first?"

"Son, I understand your frustration. But this is a done deal already. I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? Sorry? You are ruining my life! I have a fiance whom I love so much and a modeling career which will be ruined if I marry Yue!"

"I am still your father Dylan. And I would appreciate it if you could speak to me with respect. You are already 25 years old. Please act like one. I have allowed you to do whatever you want. You have never heard a thing from me. Now I want you to do this. For your family." His father told Dylan in a calm but firm voice.

Dylan was ashamed upon hearing what his father said. Indeed he had been supportive in whatever he wanted to do. But he still wouldn't do his bidding. Not if he can help it.

"So money is the problem? I've got money. We can get a bank loan. I will help Dad. Please. I will do anything. I will be more present here in the company. Just don't make me marry Yue." Dylan practically begged his dad.

"I am afraid we both have no choice in this matter Dylan. You have to marry Yue or we will lose Wang's Corporation forever. Your money is not enough, banks won't give us loans anymore."

Mr. Wang approached Dylan. He was about to say something but he hesitated. Instead, he gripped Dylan's shoulder and said sorry before he left the office.

Dylan just closed his eyes, trying to calm the turmoil that is raging inside him. "This is not happening. This is not happening." He kept on repeating to himself. "Whatever will I do now?"


Yue is waiting for her dad to finish with his meeting. She will plead her case. She hopes her dad will agree.

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