Chapter 5

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Dylan is pissed. Tonight is Connor's birthday. He is supposed to be there partying with his friends but no. He is still on campus waiting for Yue to be done with her Painting and Calligraphy Club activity.

He already asked her if he could go out of being her driver just for tonight. But no. She wouldn't budge. That witch.

He could not wait for one month to be over. Two weeks more.

Two weeks into their agreement and Dylan does feel like he's aged a hundred years. Why on earth did he agree to be her slave anyway? "Because you're stupid" he scolded himself.

He is not a morning person. He doesn't do breakfast either. And his class doesn't start until 10 am. But Shen Yue made him fetch her by 7 am on the dot everyday. Even when her class is at 9 am. Just so they could have breakfast together in her favorite coffee shop.

He also has to bring her home after class and accompany her everywhere she wants to go. Shopping, spa, group study, movie night, or whatever it is that she wants to do.

She also dominates his weekends. He never gets to do his own stuff that much and to make matters worse, he is being teased by his three friends mercilessly. Such friends they are.

And now, here he is again. He is so tempted to leave Yue behind. She can always call her own driver to pick her up anyway. He was about to message her that he is leaving when he heard someone call his name. Jiaqi.

"Hi Dylan. Waiting for Yue?" Jiaqi said.

"Oh hi Jiaqi. Yes. I have been here for a while. I don't know how much longer she'll be though. I still want to make it to Connor's party." Dylan said, obviously irritated.

Jiaqi smiled. "I am here to see her too. I messaged her and she said she's still here. I'm gonna pop in to check. Do you want to come with me?"

Dylan declined. "No. I better stay here. I couldn't stand the stares and giggling that I get from her club mates"

Jiaqi let out a hearty laugh "Alright. I'll go in and tell Yue to hurry up so you could still make it to your friend's party."


When Jiaqi peeked inside the Painting and Calligraphy Club room, she saw Yue and Xiaowen talking and giggling in one corner of the room. She took out her cell phone and dialed Yue's number.

Few rings and Yue answered. "Hi Jiaq!Are you here yet?"

"Yes. I am just outside your room." Jiaqi told Yue.

Yue looked at her direction. Smiled and beckoned Xiaowen to follow her. Yue immediately hugged Jiaqi. "I missed you so much! You have been so busy we rarely see each other."

Jiaqi released Yue then hugged Xiaowen. Then she faced Yue again. "I am the one busy? Who's the one who is always with Dylan for the past two weeks? Hey, are you done here?"

"Yes we have been done for a while" Yue answered.

"Then what are you still doing here? I saw Dylan outside and he looked irritated. He said something about wanting to attend Connor's party." Jiaqi looked closely at Yue "Are you deliberately making him wait for you?"

Yue let out a laugh "Oh you know me so well Jiaq. Yes, I am making him wait. I just don't want him to attend that party. Who knows what kind of girls he'll meet there."

"I have been trying to tell her not to do that to Dylan. He might get angry again. Besides, don't you think she is acting like a jealous girlfriend?" Xiaowen said to Jiaqi.

Yue looked indignant. "Jealous girlfriend? Me? Of course not. I am just protecting him from unwanted advances from girls. Besides, I'm not his girlfriend. Well, not yet. Still working on that." Then she smirked.

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