Chapter 14

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Yue smiled as she recognized from afar the woman busy cooking at the outside kitchen of her ten bedroom luxury beachfront villa.

Wang Zi Wei.

She chuckled as she remembered how panicked she was when her caretaker, Zhao Luli or Auntie Luli as she fondly calls her, introduced Zi Wei to her.


Yue was lying down on the hammock she had requested to be tied in between the two coconut trees near the beach. This has been her favorite place since she got here. Three days. She had been here three days but she feels like she had been here forever. Time seems to tick away slowly. But she treasures the calm and quiet. She hadn't realized how chaotic her life had been until she reached this island.

She hasn't spoken to anyone back home since she got here. But she sent a message to her father that she is okay but she will be on indefinite leave and she will explain everything once she's ready. She also sent a message to Xiao Wen not to worry about her. She doesn't worry about the Shen Corporation as she knows her people are all capable of running the company while she's gone. She just left an instruction that should anything urgent arise, they could tell Jia. And Jia will be the one to relay it to her.

She turned off her mobile phone and deactivated all her social media accounts again. She just has with her a prepaid phone and only Jia knows her number. She figured that she needs to be disconnected from everything for now. She still doesn't know what to do. All she knows is she needs to be as far away from Dylan as possible. His first love, the love of his life, the man she never thought would be capable of such cruelty especially towards her, is the reason why she has to exile herself on this island. Away from everything, isolated from the people she cares about.

Now, more than ever, she misses the mother she never had a chance of knowing. She might not have met her mom but she still found a way to take care of her. The trust fund that her mother left for her made it possible for her to buy this island. And this has become her haven. Her safe place. It's like being enveloped in her mother's embrace where nothing or no one can hurt her.

She was lost in her thoughts when Auntie Luli approached her. "Hey, Yue".

Yue looked sideways and smiled when she saw her caretaker standing beside the hammock. She immediately stood up to properly greet the kindly lady that she now treats as her own relative. She was introduced to her by the agent who facilitated the sale of the island. Auntie Luli and her husband was the caretaker of the previous owner and she decided to hire them as well.

"Good morning Auntie Luli," Yue said and then she noticed a beautiful girl about her age standing a few meters away, just observing them.

"Who's she?" Yue asked Auntie Luli politely.

"Oh, she's Zi Wei, my niece." She then beckoned the girl to go near them.

"Yue, this is my niece, Zi Wei. She will be staying with me for a while and will also assist you in whatever you need."

The girl called Zi Wei smiled shyly at Yue. "Hello, Ms. Yue. I am Wang Zi Wei."

Her heart thudded loudly against her chest as she heard her surname is Wang. She felt the panic rising in her throat. "Could she be related to Dylan? No. This cannot be." she thought.

"Are you in any way related to Dylan Wang?" she asked.

Zi Wei's forehead creased. "Sorry I don't know any Dylan Wang. And Wang is a common surname anyway."

Yue drew a sigh of relief. "Good. For a moment there I thought I was found and he sent you here to take me back."

"And you are lucky not to be related to him. Because if you are, I cannot allow you to stay on this island." Yue said and then she smiled at Zi Wei who's looking all confused now.

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