Yue's Letter

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The house seemed unusually quiet when Dylan came back the next day. Probably Yue is still sleeping. He drove around last night, trying to clear his head. He was horrified at what he did. He can't believe he hit Yue. He was beyond ashamed. He was mortified. He hopes Yue can still find it in her heart to forgive him.

Dylan quietly knocked at her bedroom door. "Yue?" he softly called. No response. He tried again, this time a little louder. "Yue? Can I come in? I am hoping we can talk." Still, no response.

"I am opening the door okay? I want to apologize to you." He then turned the knob and slowly opened the door. But Yue is not inside her room. She's not in the restroom either.

Dylan then noticed a folded yellow paper in Yue's bedside table. Her personalized stationery. Beside it, is her wedding ring. He got it and put it in his pocket. He then reached for the letter. With trembling hands, he unfolded it and started to read.


I'm sorry...

For just leaving like this. All I know is that I couldn't live in the same house as you. Not anymore. And I definitely can't bear to see you ever again. And I realized after the recent events, I have nothing more to give.

I'm sorry...

For ruining your life. For lying. For all the deceit. For making you lose everything you hold dear. I know you don't understand but I only wanted what's best for you, and for Uncle Chen. But you're right. I am not family. I shouldn't have meddled.

I'm sorry...

For snatching you away from the woman you love. But marrying you is the only way that I can ensure that Wang Corporation's ownership remains in your family. I would be a hypocrite if I say that I didn't feel happy when my dad suggested it. Because I was happy. For a moment, I was happy. But I am not that naive. I know being married to you doesn't make you mine. Because clearly, after everything I did, you will never love me. Not even as a friend. And your heart will always belong to Fei Fei. I know that. That has been clear to me from the get-go.

I just wish you had a little more faith in me. We have been friends for so long, Dylan. You are the closest person to me. I may be stubborn, used to getting my way but in all the years of our friendship, I haven't done anything that will harm you. You of all people should know that. And I only have your best interest at heart. I was surprised that it was so easy for you to throw me under the bus. To believe the worst in me. Make me the one who prevents you from having your happily ever after. Yes, I may have messed up your life, but I did it for good reasons.

Was it so bad? Being married to me? Because you certainly acted like it was the end of the world for you. Well, I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused. And if it makes you feel better, I was inconvenienced too. Maybe more so than you. Do you think I enjoy being your punching bag? Do you think it's fun to be treated so callously and harshly every damn time? Of course not. I cannot move freely in my own house. I have to watch everything I say, lest it annoys you. I have to control my emotions, I couldn't even cry in front of you because you said I don't have the right to cry because I brought this predicament upon myself. If I had my way, I would sue you for emotional damages.

Anyway, THANK YOU...

For hitting me. Because I finally had the courage to leave you. I admit I was so weak that even if you kept on trampling over me, I still cannot leave you. Even when you treat me like trash, or saw me as your lowly servant, I still chose to stay by your side. And when I saw you with Fei Fei, that had crushed my whole being. But I still tried to hold on. If I had known that it will only take a slap on my cheek for me to wake up from my stupidity, I would have asked you to slap me numerous times before. Then I would have woken up from my nightmare. And I wouldn't have suffered this long.

I am now setting you free. And I am setting myself free as well. Surprisingly, I am not angry at you. I am just relieved. We could now both move forward. You can live your life as you want, and I will live mine. I will pray for your happiness Di. After all, we were friends for 9 years. That should at least amount to something.

In the safe, you will find the divorce papers. I have signed it already. Our lawyer will know what to do with it. And you will also find there the duly signed and notarized contract as proof that you are the owner of Wang Corporation. When the acquisition happened, they had to put my name as the owner. Protocol I guess. But I have been working on having it transferred back to you. And I planned on giving it to you tonight as a surprise but you know what happened. I am sorry it took so long to fix.

Thank you for everything Dylan. I hope you and Fei Fei have a great life together.


Dylan thought that he experienced the worst pain when he was told to separate with Fei Fei and marry Yue. But the ache in his heart before is nothing as what he is feeling now. He thought dying is better than to live with this pain every day.

"I have to find Yue. I have to apologize. I have to make it up to her." Dylan thought as he hurriedly went out of her room and ran back to his car. He doesn't know where to start. All he knows is he has to get Yue back.


A filler story while I am still finding the time to work on another chapter. I got a lot of requests that they want to read the letter of Yue to Dylan, and here it is. Just a little thank you for all of you who love Trapped even with all the angst. I know I suck at replying to your comments but I want you to know that I read them all and I am honored and just grateful. And I will get to replying to each of them hopefully soon. Sorry for my mistakes. I will edit when I can.

I hope you will enjoy listening to the music too. This, for me, is the best version of One Last Cry.


~ toni ~

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