Chapter 7

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"Dylan Wang! Why are you still sleeping? We will be late!" Yue screeched upon seeing her best friend still sleeping soundly.

She went near his bed then shook him but still Dylan did not move. She pulled both of his arms to make him sit down.

Dylan groaned with frustration then muttered unintelligibly.

"Come on Di! Move! Traffic is building up and we have to be at the location by 9 am. Yue said as she went around his room to prepare his necessities

Dylan grumbled and dragged himself out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to shower and prepare himself.

Yue has been his stylist since about three years ago. And though he has his own personal assistants and a whole glam team, he still prefers Yue to prepare everything for him. Well, Yue is a neat freak and very efficient. And he loves having his best friend beside him.

Yes, Dylan Wang is one of the most sought after and successful Chinese models in the fashion world. There is probably no fashion brand he hasn't worn and no haute couture he hasn't presented on runways. He is constantly being booked for fashion shows and shoots all over the world.

It may not be what he originally aspired for but he found himself enjoying being a model. And one of the best at that.

He was discovered when he and Yue were on a holiday in New York. They just finished their Global Masters in Management Course at the London Business School and were supposed to go back to Shanghai but Yue, who still holds on to her dream of being a designer and having her own fashion line, insisted on going to New York to attend New York Fashion Week.

He really didn't want to go and was looking forward to going home since they have been away for 2 years but Yue, stubborn as she is, bugged him non-stop until he said yes. And of course it didn't help when she said something to the effect that it will be his fault if she gets lost while in New York. Yue has no sense of direction and gets confused easily especially when she is in a place unfamiliar to her.

And when he finally agreed to accompany her, she gave him that dazzling smile of hers that can rival even the brightest rays of the sun. Then she hugged him tight and showered his face with kisses. Then promised to cook him a special dinner.

That is one of Yue's traits that he loves the most. She is naturally sweet and caring. His life in London had been easy because of her. They lived in the same house the whole time they were in London studying. They were ordered by their respective fathers to go to a business school to further their studies. In preparation for when they take over their respective family businesses.

They were supposed to be renting separate flats but somehow, Yue managed to convince her father to buy her a house in London. And then she convinced him that it would be impractical for him to rent when he can stay in her house. He was always in awe of the convincing power of Shen Yue. She is a charmer. And never stops until she get what she wants.

They became friends exactly because of that trait of Yue. She persisted until she won him over. He admits that in the beginning, he was so annoyed with Yue. She did a lot of stuff that was cringe worthy and downright annoying. But eventually, when he got to know the real Yue, he found himself drawn to her. She is truly a great person. And if you are friends with Yue, you are one lucky person.

They had started to become the best of friends the night when Yue gave him a surprise birthday party. He was extremely touched by the amount of effort she put in preparing it. He learned that the reason why she cut short their deal and she was always in a hurry after school was because she personally handled the preparation up to the smallest detail. No one has ever done more for him than Yue. And he was extremely honored and touched.

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