Chapter 4

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"We're home!" Yue announced to no one in particular as she entered the Shen's mansion. She was followed closely by Jiaqi. They both looked well rested and prettier than before if that's even possible.

After almost 2 months of their blissful vacation, Yue cannot wait to go back home. She and Jiaqi will both be college students but will be attending different universities.

Looking at her cousin smiling brightly, Jiaqi could not believe that she is the same Yue who was so broken 2 months ago. She remembered a worried Aunt Ling called her one day and asked for her help to coax Yue out of her bedroom.

"Please go away," Yue said upon hearing someone knock on her door.

Jiaqi opened the door and saw her standing by the window. "Yue...."

Yue turned around hearing her dear cousin's voice. Then she ran to Jiaqi and hugged her tight.

Jiaqi hugged Yue back who is sobbing now. Her heart broke seeing her usually cheerful cousin looking so defeated.

"Yue, what happened?" Jiaqi asked.

"Dylan... he's angry... with me..." Yue managed to say in between sobs.

This is what Jiaqi was afraid of happening when Yue told her about Dylan. She knows Yue only has the best intentions. But she is also the type to tackle things head on without thinking first. Or even consider consequences. And now, she is hurt. Which is the last thing she wants her to be. She let Yue's sobs subside first before leading her to sit down in the bed.

"So tell me. What exactly happened?" Jiaqi asked.

Yue wiped the last of her tears then told her cousin what happened.

Jiaqi would have very much liked to scold Yue and laugh at the same time. But she kept a straight face. Yue is really naive. Doing all those stalking and going overboard acting like Dylan's girlfriend when she clearly is not. Of course any guy would have freaked out. Dylan must have been pushed to his breaking point. If only he had not shouted at her in front of his teammates. This would have been avoided.

"Hey, come on. Don't think about him anymore. How about we just go out and do some shopping. My wardrobe needs updating anyway" Jiaqi said.

Yue shook her head and instead laid back down on her bed. "I don't want to go out. I don't want to leave this room. I am a failure and everyone is laughing at me" then she covered her face with a pillow.

"Don't be like that. Where is the bubbly, fighter Yue that I know? Who doesn't care what other people think? This is not you. I want my strong, sweet Yue back" Jiaqi said, trying to console Yue.

"We could go to the spa. Or we could do whatever you want to do. Just, please, Yue..."

Yue peeked from the pillow then tearfully smiled . "How about we travel? I have always wanted to go to Europe. Then we could stay there. And I don't need to face anyone anymore" Yue said with mischief in her eyes.

Jiaqi was roused from her reverie by Yue who is now pushing her to the door. "Hey where are we going? We just arrived!"

"We are going shopping!" Yue declared. "I remembered I still need to buy some things for school."

"All that shopping we did while in Europe was not enough?" Jiaqi asked, surprised.

Yue rolled her eyes at Jiaqi and said "since when has shopping ever been enough? Silly."


Yue and Jiaqi, happy with their purchases, decided to eat hotpot before heading home.

While waiting for their food, Yue excused herself to go to the powder room. On her way back to their table, she bumped into someone. She was about to apologize when she saw who it was - Dylan.

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