Chapter 21

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It is one of Yue's favorite things. One of the few things that put a smile on her pretty face.

She loves looking at the sky as it displays bursting colors of varying warm orange hues. And its sparkling reflection in the ripples of seawater never fails to mesmerize her.

Yue closed her eyes as she felt the warm sea breeze caress her face and felt peace flow through her.


If Yue loves sunset, Dylan loves looking at the stars. In the past, whenever they go on vacations, they make it a point to always catch the sunset, then stargaze after. It's their thing. It has always been special since they don't allow anyone to join them. 

A Dylan and Yue exclusive.

It took a while before she can look up at the sky without tears fogging her vision.

It was sometime before she didn't feel her heart being shattered over and over again with Dylan's memory.

Even the mere mention of his name was enough for Yue to break down.

It has been a year since that tragedy happened. She was glad that she has her Dad and all her friends around her during those trying times. Yue wasn't sure if she would have pulled through if not for the people who love her.

Looking back, Yue couldn't believe that she was able to surpass the darkest episode in her life. Most of the time she just wanted to give up. She thought she knew what pain is. She thought she understands being hurt.

But whatever pain she felt before cannot even compare to the pain she felt when she learned that Dylan died. It was a numbing kind of pain. It was excruciating. It was torture.

Her island has been her sanctuary. When she felt like she's about to explode, she escapes and flies to her island.

Her Dylan.

She named the island Dylan. She just loves saying 'I will go to Dylan' whenever anyone asks where she's off to. It made her feel like Dylan is still around to comfort her. It somehow helped in settling her shattered heart.

She never thought she will be able to smile again. But time has been good to her. It allowed her to grieve. It allowed her to heal.

It wasn't easy. But slowly, Yue was able to pick up pieces of herself and gradually put the pieces back together.

And she never thought her heart will come back to life but it did. She never thought she would love again but she did.

And it is a far greater love than before. She had never been this happy.

Yue opened her eyes as she felt two strong arms hug her from behind. She turned around and looked at the handsome face of the person who made her heart whole again.

"Hi. You're late."


Five months.

Five agonizing months.

Whoever said that time heals all wounds was sorely mistaken. Because if that was true, then she should feel at least a bit better right?

Yue starts and ends her day with tears. The pain of losing Dylan hasn't lessened one tiny bit. Instead, it increases a hundredfold every single day.

Opening her eyes on a brand new day without Dylan is like a knife stabbing at her heart repeatedly. It surprises Yue that she can still feel her heart beating inside her chest when she's sure that her heart died the day Dylan died.

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