Chapter 15

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Dylan couldn't move. He wasn't ready for the multitude of emotions that attacked him all at once upon seeing Yue.

Of course, he knew that Yue would come back once she learned about the condition of Auntie Ling. The old woman cared for Yue as if she was her own. And at times she acted as her father too, since Yue's father has always been busy with work. And he knew Yue loves her so much.

Even having that knowledge beforehand, nothing has prepared Dylan for the intensity of his feelings now.

He's happy. But he's sad. He's relieved. But also anxious. He swears he's in heaven right now but also in hell.

Happy to finally see Yue.

Sad because he knows she didn't come back for him.

Relieved because she's safe.

Anxious because he doesn't know if she will allow him to be near her again.

That feeling of euphoria seeing her beautiful angelic face is enough to send him to heaven.

But knowing that the love she felt for him before is now replaced with hatred, feels like he's been punished to the ends of the earth and ordered to rot in hell.

That's how tortured Dylan is right now. That's why he stayed rooted in his spot as he continued to stare at Yue across the hall, who's now speaking to Jia.

Dylan stayed at the hospital since Auntie Ling was confined. He wanted to take care of her for Yue. It's the least he could do.

There was nothing he wanted more now but to embrace Yue. To envelop her in his arms and never let her go. Her leaving him has jolted him awake. His eyes are wide open now.

And so is his heart.

Indeed, absence makes the heart grow fonder. And losing her in the blink of an eye made him realize he's being a fool.

He has long turned a blind eye on everything related to Yue. He chose not to deal with his feelings.

He has taken her for granted because he knows she will always be there for him.

He neglected her because he knows she will be there when he gets back.

He just went about and did what he wanted because he knows she will always support him no matter what.

He got himself a girl. And even proposed to her. He knows he will hurt Yue but what really could he do?

He was in love.

At that time he was in love. He couldn't be faulted with that right?

He has banked on the fact that she loves him. He knows because she has told him and she never failed to show him.

And he loves her too. He loves her and cherishes her as his best friend.

And that's all he could give to her.

At that time, that's all he could offer her.

But when Yue started to avoid him, he got bothered. He was restless.

He missed her. He missed having her by his side. She kept on avoiding him so he had to impose on her.

That was selfish, he knows. But he couldn't help it. He has grown accustomed to having Yue by his side, all the time.

And then a crisis came.

And when everything crumbled, he turned his back on her.

Because he felt cheated. He felt betrayed.

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