Chapter 13

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Dylan stirred from his sleep as he felt someone touching his hair gently. He opened his eyes and saw a pair of lovely brown orbs staring at him. He blinked twice as he could not believe the beauty that is now gazing at him lovingly. "Hi," she said in that sweet, melodious voice of hers.

"You came back" Dylan whispered softly while holding her gaze. He sat down and hugged her tight. "I missed you so much, Yue. I never thought you'd be back after everything I have said and done. I'm sorry, please don't leave me again." He said, now sobbing.

Yue hugged him back. "Ssshhh... Don't cry Di. I am here. I realized I couldn't leave you. I couldn't bear to be away from you."

With tears streaming down his face, Dylan leaned his forehead against hers. "Thank you for coming back to me. I promise I will be good to you from now on." He then closed the gap to capture Yue's lips for a kiss.

"Di! For God's sakes, wake up!" Caesar and Darren were trying to rouse their friend whom they found passed out on the floor of his apartment. His face is currently stricken with tears.

Dylan squinted as his eyes adjusted to the brightness of his living room. He frowned when he saw the worried face of his friends.

He then sat abruptly as he remembered something. "Where's Yue? She's here! Where is she?" Dylan said in a panicky voice.

"You must be dreaming Di. Yue's not here." Darren said in a calm voice.

"NO! She's here! She came back! YUE!" Dylan shouted as he tried to stand but collapsed back as he suddenly felt dizzy.

"Di, Yue's been gone for a month now. She's not here." Caesar said, trying to knock some sense into Dylan.

Dylan now sobbed uncontrollably as the realization dawned on him that it was all just a dream. Yue's not here. Yue's gone. She's never coming back. He pushed her too far.


While Dylan is in the shower, Caesar and Darren tried to tidy up his apartment and prepared food for him. They are now in the dining area, waiting for Dylan to come out of his room. His friends have been constantly checking on him since the incident a week ago where Dylan was arrested for starting a fight in a bar. He had to spend the night in jail before their lawyer was able to bail him out.

"We cannot just let him self-destruct. We have to do something before Dylan totally destroys himself" Darren said to Caesar.

"But what can we do? Yue is the only one who can make him feel better. And no one knows where she went. I would have thought Yue will stick it out with Dylan. I mean she has loved him since we were sixteen years old. And Yue is the only one who can truly tolerate Di." Caesar said matter of factly.

"I am sure your wife knows where Yue is. Why don't you ask her then?"

Caesar frowned at his friend. "I have tried. But Jia said she doesn't know where Yue is, which I doubt. Those two were so close, they are like true sisters. Besides, that day when Yue left, Jia left our house in the middle of the night and didn't come back until around lunchtime of the next day. I knew she was going to Yue. She told me so herself before she left the house that night. But when she came back, she refused to tell me what happened instead told me to tell Dylan not to show his face to her and never ever approach her for anything. I just found out that Yue left when I asked Dylan about it."

"I just wish there was something more we could do. Dylan has been a complete jerk and he's definitely at fault here but I cannot see him suffer like this. He may be an asshole but he's still our friend."

"I know. But what else can we really do? Yue has endured a lot, we both know that. I mean we all know their history. How they started. It was obvious from the very beginning that she likes Dylan a lot. Enough to endure Di's sour attitude." Caesar chuckled.

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