Epilogue 01

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Dylan woke up with a smile plastered all-over his handsome face. He barely had three hours of sleep but he is so energized he feels he could run a marathon.

He preferred not sleeping and just stayed up and kept Yue wrapped around his arms and he figured they could also watch the sunrise since they watched the sunset, gazed at the stars and laughed and talked about anything and nothing.

There were moments when they ran out of things to talk to. And silence is fine with Dylan too. Because those moments made him realize more the magnanimity of his love for the tiny girl enclosed in his arms.

He realized how lucky he is that he is given another chance to be with her again and that despite all the bad things he's done, Yue still loves him. Without question, without reserve.

And it amazes him that even in silence, he can still love her.

But they never got to watch the sunrise. Because Yue fell asleep as he's raining soft kisses on her head, whispering how much he loves her for probably the hundredth time already.

He gently carried her inside the beach house. Midway to her room, he changed his mind and headed to his room instead. He doesn't want to part with Yue. And he wants to watch her sleep.

And he did just that until he too fell asleep.

Dylan turned to hug Yue but was surprised to find that the space beside him was empty. He sat up and scanned the room but he couldn't see Yue.

He stood up and went to the comfort room to check if she's there but she's not there either.

Yue has always been an early riser. But Dylan thought she would sleep in and they'd be able to cuddle some more.

But when he remembered that they're getting married later, his disappointment vanished.

He wished he could make the time go faster. He can't wait to make her his.


Dylan frowned as he didn't see Yue on the breakfast table, which is now teeming with lively conversations and laughter from all the people dear to their heart.

She's probably in the kitchen. Dylan thought but Yue's not there either. He began to wonder when Yue was not in her room either.

Maybe she went out for a run.

He decided to join everyone for breakfast. He wanted to wait for Yue but he's already hungry. He decided he'll eat a little so he can eat with Yue when she comes back.

Everyone cheered as soon as they saw him.

"Here's the groom!"

Dylan can't help but smile at the happy faces beaming at him. His three idiot best friends, Caesar, Darren, and Connor. Jiaqi, Xiaowen, and Zi Wei. Yue's dad and Auntie Ling. His parents. And even the adorable Qing Shan, Caesar and Jiaqi's daughter are giving him a toothless grin.

"Why are you up so early Di? Can't sleep?" It was Connor.

"Where's Yue? Is she still sleeping?" asked Zi Wei.

"No. I was actually looking for her. We slept around four and when I woke up she's no longer beside me."

"She's probably in her room," said Xiaowen.

Dylan shook his head. "She's not there, I already checked. Not in the kitchen either. I figured she went out for her morning run."

Jia disagreed. "I don't think so. I took Qing Shan for a morning walk and I haven't seen her."

Quiet ensued in the group. It was Mr. Shen who broke the silence. "Dylan, son. Did you and Yue fight again?"

"No Dad. I don't think so. Did we?" Dylan answered, suddenly confused.

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