Chapter 2

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Shen Yue is a princess. Well, she's not really a royalty but she's as good as one, being the only daughter of Chinese billionaire Shen Jiang He, thus the sole heir of Shen's airline and hotel business empire.

Her mother died giving birth to her. And so it is only Aunt Ling, her father's older sister, who raised her. She loves her Aunt so much and the older lady treats her like a real daughter. But there is still a longing in her heart for the mother whom she never had the chance to know.

Her dad, being the busy man that he was, indulged all her whims and caprices to make up for not being able to be with her most of the time. Shen Yue grew up getting everything she wanted. She was spoiled rotten by her father. And the word "no" does not exist in her vocabulary. Because she is Shen Yue. And she is used to getting her way no matter what.

Yes, even at a very young age, she knows how to work a situation for her favor.

Frustrated is an understatement when she first met Dylan Wang. Suffice to say he is immune to her charms. Even her puppy dog eyes, which is her best weapon when trying to win people over, does not work with him.

Today is her sixteenth birthday and she told her father she doesn't want a big celebration. She's not fond of big parties anyway. More so a party for herself. She just put up with it when she was younger because Aunt Ling insisted on it. Her Aunt loves parties. And she is also good at planning it up to the smallest detail. She said that young girls like her should have lavish parties. Dress up. Have fun.

For Shen Yue, a party is a waste of time, though she doesn't dare tell that to her Aunt, as she will never hear the end of it. Given a choice, she would rather go shopping with her best friends. Have a spa day. Or a sleepover.

But for this particular birthday of hers, she wanted to spend the day with her dad. She made that request months before and even called his assistant to plot it in his calendar. It does not matter if her birthday coincides with her father's board meeting. She even had the venue of the meeting moved to Shanghai. She wants to be with her dad and she will not have it any other way.

While she understands that he has a huge responsibility, Yue just misses her father terribly.

So she found herself in his father's office while waiting for him to be done with the meeting. She finished the book she was reading and yet the meeting is still ongoing. Yue checked her watch. She has been waiting for five hours already. At this rate, they will not be able to go to where she planned ongoing.

When she was younger, going to amusement parks was her and her dad's thing. They will spend all day in the park and he let her eat ice cream and candies to her heart's content.

Her father is also good at winning those carnival games where they got those weird looking stuffed toys. And those were her most cherished collection. So when she learned that the new theme park is already open, she knew she had to celebrate her birthday there.

Yue decided to go out and head for the boardroom. She planned to force her way inside and get her father so they could be on their way.

As she turned around the corner, Yue saw a handsome young guy sitting inside one of the mini-conference rooms. His face was serious and forehead slightly creased, apparently concentrating on a book he was reading.

Yue felt her heartbeat fast. She normally doesn't get fazed even with the most gorgeous guy on campus. She couldn't explain it but she felt she just had to know him.

Without skipping a beat, she went straight to the conference room, opened the door and entered.

"Hi!" Yue chirped.

"Sorry to barge in on you like this but I saw you from outside and I knew I must introduce myself to you. I am Shen Yue. And I want to be your friend." She said it without pause while extending her right hand to him for a handshake. The guy ignored her hand so she just withdrew it and smiled.

The guy is just staring at her with a blank expression.

"What's your name?'

"Don't worry I don't bite. My father owns this company."

"I don't think I have seen you around here before. Are you applying for a job here? I can help you if you want."

The guy still did not respond but instead went back to his reading.

Yue controlled her irritation. She took a deep breath, sat beside him and took the book that he's reading.

He is reading And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie.

"Oh, this is my favorite!"

"I say it's one of the best mystery novels ever. I read it when I was 14 I think. When you're done reading it, I could lend you more books. Or better yet, you could peruse our library at my house and you could borrow any book that you like. We have a vast collection, you know." Yue offered.

The guy scowled at her "Please give me back my book."

"Tell me your name first then I will give you back your book."

"Fine. My name is Dylan. Dylan Wang. Now can I have it back?"

Yue flashed him her most charming smile.

"Nice meeting you Dylan Wang."

She was about to hand him back the book but decided against it yet.

"Do you have a pen?" Yue said

Reluctantly, Dylan handed her his pen.

Yue opened the book and wrote something on the first page before sliding back the book and pen to Dylan.

"Who gave you permission to write in my book?" Dylan asked her, irritation apparent in his voice.

"I wrote my number there. Please feel free to call me anytime you want."

"Talk to you soon, Dylan!"

Yue stood up and winked at him before going out of the conference room.


Dylan was dumbfounded. He still couldn't grasp what happened. One moment he was peacefully enjoying reading then the next thing he knew that chirpy irritating girl stormed in. He almost lost his patience when she wrote in his book! Who does she think she is? And she assumed he would call her. No freaking way.

He hoped he would not cross paths with her again. He's not sure if he can control his temper next time they meet. The nerve of that girl acting as if she owns everything. 

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