Dylan's Letter

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Yue's eyes blurred as soon as she opened the letter. She took a deep breath to calm her heart and willed herself to read.

My Yue,

I know I have said this a million times already. But I will say it again.

I'm sorry. For hurting you and making you suffer.

And I'm sorry because I was late in loving you. And that made you suffer more.

I am writing this letter because I don't know if you will even agree to speak to me. Our six-month agreement ends today and I am not ready to leave you.

I don't know if I will ever be ready.

I know we made a deal that if you haven't forgiven me by the end of six months, I will sign the divorce papers, walk out of your life and never come back again.

If I will be honest with myself, I know you have not forgiven me. But my heart remains hopeful. You haven't even looked at me once since we lived together again. I should be sad. And this may sound pathetic but the past six months have been the happiest for me.

Because I get to see you every single day.

And do things for you like what you used to do for me.

I have signed the divorce papers like what you wanted. But I'm sorry as that's how far I'm willing to go to honor our agreement.

I can never walk out or completely disappear from your life.

My heart won't allow me.

I will divorce you so we can start over again. I will court you and marry you. I will propose to you every day until you agree.

I know you loved me before. And it's okay if you don't love me anymore. I will do everything to make you fall in love with me again. And if you can't, that's okay for me too. I will make sure my love will be enough for both of us.

If you're afraid that I will get tired of loving you, I won't. Because I will never finish loving you. Not in this lifetime. Not ever.

I am yours. For now and always.


Yue clutched the letter close to her heart, closed her eyes tight to try to stem the well of tears that had been pouring from her eyes.



I just have one more chapter to write.


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