Chapter 12

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Yue woke up surprisingly with a lighter heart compared to the past few months wherein she feels like her heart is being held down by a ten thousand pound steel. That talk with her dad was something she hadn't thought she needed but it somehow strengthened her resolve to make the best out of her situation now.

She's married to Dylan and she knows this is a tragedy waiting to happen. If they were a normal married couple in love, they should be well on their way to their honeymoon. But theirs is a marriage for convenience. Which is ironic because it was not convenient at all.

If anything their marriage has caused the biggest inconvenience to both of them.

Yue decided to check on Dylan first before heading downstairs. She stood quietly staring at Dylan's peaceful face. He is still sleeping. For sure he will wake up with a massive headache.

She made him chicken noodle soup like what she prepared for him when they were in London to help cure his hangover. She included an aspirin, some crackers, and a freshly squeezed orange juice and asked one of the maids to bring it up to him. She thought it best to steer clear of his way for now. Dylan is not fun when he's hungover. What more now that she is his most hated person in the world.

Yue was packing her things when she heard a knock and someone entered her room. Dylan. They were supposed to move to their own house today. It was a gift from her dad.

She stopped what she's doing and just looked at Dylan, who's just standing near the door, not saying anything. He's still wearing the tux from last night, his clothes disheveled, eyes bloodshot. And the way he was looking at her is starting to unnerve her.

She decided to ignore him and continue what she was doing. She almost bumped into him when she turned around from her closet. He has a habit of sneaking into her. The difference is now, he's not being playful at all. Now, he is scaring her with his eyes full of loathing.

She tried going around him but he held her arms tightly to prevent her from escaping. "I am moving with you in that house only to keep pretenses. If I have my way, I wouldn't want to be with you under one roof but I don't want my dad and your dad hounding me." Dylan said.

He let go of her and walked towards the door. "Congratulations on getting married to me, Yue. I hope you are happy. See you later, wife." Dylan said the last word with as much sarcasm as he could muster. Yue felt tears welling up. So much for making the best out of her situation.


As she roams around her house, their house, Yue couldn't help but admire its beauty. It was decorated tastefully. Her father didn't hold back on his gift for them. If only her husband loved her, everything would be perfect.

On their first night living together as husband and wife, he already laid the ground rules. They will only be husband and wife on paper. She is free to do anything she pleases and he is too. She will not have a say on anything he does. She is not to meddle in his personal affairs and he will not bother with her also. And of course, they have separate rooms.

Yue was actually expecting all these rules. She knew exactly what she was getting into. This is a loveless marriage. Well, Dylan doesn't love her that is. But having that knowledge beforehand doesn't diminish the pain that she's feeling.

Every day, since their wedding, there is a constant sting in her heart that just wouldn't go away.

Of course, a part of her is still hoping that Dylan will come around and at least be civil to her. And eventually, find it in his heart to forgive her. They were best friends for nine long years. But with the way things are going, Yue is not that hopeful anymore.

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