Chapter 6

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It is unusual for Yue to be late. She is always prompt, most of the time she will be on their front porch waiting for Dylan to arrive. And she usually reply to his messages within seconds of him sending it. That's why Dylan was wondering what's keeping her.

With his patience waning, Dylan decided to come up to the Shen's front door and knocked.

Aunt Ling opened the door. Dylan smiled upon seeing her and gave his respects. She asked Dylan to come in but he politely declined. "Good morning Auntie, I was just wondering where's Yue? She usually is never late and she's also not answering my messages."

"Yue already left about thirty minutes ago. She was actually in a hurry. And she left her phone here that's why she could not reply to you. She did not tell you that she will be going ahead?" Aunt Ling said.

Dylan frowned. "Uh, no. She did not tell me that there will be a change in our schedule."

"It probably slipped her mind. That girl is like a ball of energy. She always drives me crazy with her antics." Aunt Ling said, smiling fondly.

"It's okay though Auntie. I'll probably see her in school today. I will be going now. Thank you." Dylan bid Aunt Ling goodbye.

"Oh wait, will you be an angel and give this to her?" Aunt Ling said and handed Yue's phone to Dylan. "She probably thinks she lost her phone again. That girl keeps on losing her things, I sometimes don't know what to do with her."

"No problem Auntie. I will give this to her." Dylan said then he walked back to his car somehow feeling irritated.


It's nearly five in the afternoon when Dylan saw Yue. She was not in her favorite coffee shop earlier and also not in the cafeteria during lunch time.

As he entered the gym for their basketball practice, Dylan saw Yue sitting in the bleachers, reading.

He approached Yue with a frown. "Hey."

Yue looked up from the book she was reading and smiled as she saw Dylan standing near her. "Hi Di! I decided I will watch your practice today. So you wouldn't be rushing in taking me home and getting back here. You're welcome!"

Yue's smile faltered when she noticed the deep frown lining Dylan's face. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm not okay! I have to wake up so early today to fetch you only to find out you left already and you did not even bother to notify me ahead of time. You're not in the coffeeshop, didn't see you in your class or even the cafeteria. Where were you today?" Dylan said in a loud voice and gave Yue a piercing look.

Yue was taken aback by Dylan's tirade. But then, she smiled, as something dawned on her "You missed me don't you?"

"What are you talking about? Don't be ridiculous!" Dylan said defensively.

Yue gave her a teasing look. "Come on Di, it's okay to admit you missed me! I am sorry, okay? I forgot to inform you last night that I will be going ahead. And then this morning I couldn't call or message you since I lost my phone. Again."

"And if it makes you feel any better, I miss you too." Then she smiled at him sweetly.

Dylan scowled at Yue. "I DID NOT MISS YOU, OKAY??? I just don't want to be kept waiting. And here's your phone." He tossed Yue her phone and then walked out on her.

"Good luck on your practice Di! I will cheer for you! And thank you for my phone!" Yue shouted in Dylan's retreating form, failing to contain her happiness.


They were in Dylan's car on their way to Yue's house. Dylan is serious, his full concentration on the road. Yue, who's on the passenger side, keeps on glancing at Dylan, a smile plastered on her lips.

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