Chapter 8

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Yue stood transfixed on her spot. Her face was pale. Her body felt cold as if someone poured ice cold water all over her. And her heart. She cannot feel her heart. It seemed as if her heart stopped beating.

She can see Dylan's mouth moving but she can't hear what he's saying.

In an instant, Jiaqi was at her side. She gripped her hand hard for support. Then Darren stood on her other side while Caesar and Connor hovered on the sidelines, ready to lend support if needed.

Dylan laughed at her and gave her head a pat. "Cat got your tongue Yue? I totally understand your reaction. My girlfriend is so beautiful right?" Then Dylan gave Fei Fei a peck on her lips.

Yue wanted nothing more but to flee the scene. But she tried to gather herself. Then with every courage she could muster, she extended her hand and said "Hi Fei Fei, I am Yue. Dylan's stylist. It's nice to meet you."

Fei Fei ignored her extended hand but instead grabbed her for a hug. Then she gushed over and over how excited she was to meet her. Yue also had made a name for herself as stylist of the stars but she had to lie low a year ago so she could also have time for Shen's Group.

She stepped back to escape from Fei Fei's hug. And was about to walk out when she held her hand and said in her angelic voice "Oh Yue I really hope you could style me too. I am quite new in the industry and it would be great if I could have you as my stylist. It's okay, right? Dylan said you will be cool with it."

Yue glared at Dylan upon hearing that. But he just smiled at her. Oh how she would like to wipe that smile on his face now. How dare he volunteer her like that without even asking her first. How dare he stand there smiling like that when she feels like she could never be happy again. How dare he hurt her like this.

"Come on Yue, you can take her too right? You only style me now. Do it for me. Please?" Dylan said while smiling cutely at her.

Yue ignored Dylan and chose to address Fei Fei directly. "I am sorry Fei Fei. Much as I would like to, I cannot take additional clients now. My team signed up a new client yesterday and we could only handle so much. I might even assign Dylan to one of my assistants as I am swamped with work right now."

She glanced at Dylan and the look of surprise was evident in his face, his smile gone now. How about that for a surprise? That gave her satisfaction however small.

Then she faced Fei Fei again while smiling sweetly at her. "I could recommend you to other stylists though. I will just get your number from Dylan and I will have one of my assistants call you."

The model beamed at her and said "Oh if you could do that, that would be great. Thank you."

"So Di, here's my key. You can use it to drive Fei Fei home. I'll just go with them in the van." Yue said, giving her car keys to Dylan.

"No. My friends will pick me up. You don't need to drive me babe." Fei Fei said to Dylan then kissed him. She then faced them and said "Bye guys. I'll go ahead." She then walked regally towards the exit.

An awkward silence fell as soon as Fei Fei left. It was Jiaqi who broke the silence.

"So, let's go? Babe I'll just go with Yue then you guys can take the van." She said to Caesar.

"No. I will go with Yue then you can go with Jia. I know you miss Caesar and want to spend some time together." Dylan said then he tried to hold Yue's hand.

But Yue avoided his hand and his gaze and instead turned to Jia, silently asking for help.

At that moment, Yue's phone rang. She heaved a sigh of relief and then answered her phone. She was on the phone for a few minutes. After she ended the call, she faced Dylan and asked for her keys.

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