Chapter 17

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Yue exited the elevator and walked to her car. She frowned when she saw a tall figure standing near her car. She's a hundred percent sure that man, whoever he is, is not her chauffeur.

She fished her phone from her bag and dialed her assistant's number. "Ruomei? Did something happen to Ming Chuan? I see an unfamiliar man standing near my car, wearing a chauffeur's uniform."

"Ms. Yue today is the start of Ming Chuan's two-week leave. I assigned a temporary chauffeur for you. His name is Guowei."

"Oh right. Totally slipped my mind. Thanks, Ruomei. Bye."

Yue then proceeded to walk to her car. But stopped short when her chauffeur turned around.


Yue felt her blood boil.

Dylan had been totally annoying the past few days. Sending her messages morning, noon, and night.

Just to check on her.

And as if disturbing her like that isn't enough, he also personally delivers food to her office during lunch.

Just to make sure she eats properly.

She had been telling him to stop bugging her. But he wouldn't relent.

Her last words to him when they last saw each other was: Don't show your face to me again until you have signed those divorce papers.

Yue was thinking how to send him away this time but she was surprised when Dylan bowed to her and said, "Good day Ms. Yue. I'm Dylan and I am the temporary replacement of Ming Chuan."

"What is this Dylan? Enough with your games, please. It's not amusing."

"I am here to drive for you, Ms. Yue. I will be your chauffeur while Ming Chuan is on leave." Dylan bowed again then opened the door for her.

Yue stepped near the car and slammed the door. He is really getting on her nerves. "Will you stop this nonsense? I have told you countless times that I don't need anything from you. I don't want you anywhere near me. Give me the keys."

"I'm sorry Ms. Yue but you can't drive without your license. That's why I was tasked to pick you up."

"How did you know that I lost my license? You're a stalker now as well?"

"No, Ms. Yue. Yesterday I overheard your assistant inquiring about what to do about it" Dylan said in a low voice.

Yue closed her eyes and clenched her teeth in an attempt to calm herself. She can feel she's about to explode if Dylan continues with his shenanigans.

Yue was about to say something when her phone pinged. It's a reminder of her meeting in thirty minutes. She reached for the door handle at the front seat but Dylan blocked her.

Without a word, Dylan opened the door for her at the back seat, bowed again and gestured for her to get in.

Yue looked at Dylan in an attempt to argue with him but decided not to. Instead, she went inside the car and buckled herself in.

Soon, they were pulling up at the Shen's Corporation's driveway. The guards hurried to open the door for her. She turned to Dylan. "I know what you're doing. You are replicating those days when I asked you to be my slave. But I am telling you now you're wasting your time. I am not that naive girl anymore."

"And nothing you say or do will make me forgive you."

She then went out of the car and left a defeated-looking Dylan.


Dylan surveyed the inside of the house and smiled, satisfied with his cleaning and organizing skills.

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