Chapter 1: Finding an Energem

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Picture above is an Archaeopteryx.

~Amanda's POV~

I had just recently gotten back from a business trip for the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum. I quickly looked through the fossils to make sure that they weren't damage as I parked my truck at the loading dock. I reached the skull of a full Archaeopteryx skeleton. Something caught my eyes as I noticed some kind of orange crystal in the skull as I carefully took it out and examined it. "Huh, what's this?" I ask myself before I hear footsteps as I quickly put the orange crystal in my pocket and turn around. "Oh, hey Miss Morgan." I say smiling as I wave. Miss Morgan walks forward towards me as she inspects the fossils. "Hello, Amanda. How was the dig?" She asks me as she types away on her tablet. "It was fine. Germany and Europe were amazing." I say smiling as I help uncover the rest of the fossils. I notice Miss Morgan searching at the new fossils I found.

'Weird. What is she looking for?' I think to myself as I put my hand over the pocket holding the strange crystal as I clear my throat getting her attention after a few moments of silence. "I'll get the others to move these fossils." Miss Morgan states after typing away on her tablet after pushing her glasses up. "You mean the new workers?" I ask surprised that she'd want the three new people she's recently hired to move these delicate fossils. "Don't worry. Koda and Chase will help them and they know what they're doing." I let out a sigh as I nod my head. "Right then. Well, I'll be leaving then once the fossils are moved. Meanwhile should I help work in the cafe?" I ask. She nods her head in return, "Can you grab, Tyler, Shelby, Riley, Koda, and Chase while you're there?" she says as she types some more information or something on her tablet before looking at her phone.

"Alright." I say as I head in through the back door of the cafe and enter the kitchen of the Dino Bite Cafe. 'Why does the name Riley seem so familiar?' I ask myself. I'm met with a brown hair girl with with shoulder length hair. "Uh, who are you?" the girl asks curiously. I look at her name tag as it says 'Shelby' and then realize that I'm not wearing mine. This catches the attention of others as two other boys in red and green come closer. I look at their name tags and see the names 'Tyler' and 'Riley'. I look over and notice Chase and Koda looking my way as I send a small wave to them. "Hey, Amy." Chase says smiling back as Koda comes over and gives me a hug pushing past the three making them confused. "Happy you back." Koda says as he lets go as I chuckle. "Aww, thanks Koda. It's good to be back." I say smiling as I turn towards the three. "You must be the new employees. I'm Amanda, Amanda Mazuri, but you can call my Amy if you'd like." I say towards the three. "She's one of the employees who registered around the same time I joined." Chase adds as he flips burgers as the others nod.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Tyler Navarro." "Shelby, Shelby Watkins." I looked to the boy in the green as I looked at him in the eyes. 'Why does he seem so familiar?' I ask myself as I suddenly remember. "Amy?" He asks. I smile wide as I rush up and hug him. "Is that really you, Riley?" I ask as I let go and look into his light brown eyes as he smiles and nods. "It's good to see you too." he says smiling as I suddenly remember why I came in here. "Oh! Miss Morgan needs the five of you to help her with the fossils I dug up with some help from others." I say backing up as the five of them crowd around me as I make sure nothing is on the grill. "What fossils?" Shelby asks excitedly. "The fossils of an Archaeopteryx. I managed to find a whole skeleton structure." I say proudly. The others straighten and seem to tense up at this before looking at each other and nod. 'What's going on?' I ask myself as they start filing out thanking me. Riley being the last one out stops in front of me, "Want to hang out later and catch up?" He asks me as I smile and nod, "Sure. Want to meet near the entrance of the cafe when it closes tomorrow?" I ask/suggest as he nods before leaving. As Riley reaches the door where the others are waiting I can't help but hear the word 'Energem'. "What's an Energem?" I mutter to myself before some other employees take their places and work.

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