Chapter 15: The Tooth Hurts Pt. 2

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Sorry this is so late, and it doesn't make much sense considering that this IS a PART 2 for "The Tooth Hurts". I'm so sorry about this! Please forgive me! 

~Amanda's  POV~

I quickly walked towards the city plaza, just as I was soon there my Dino Comm started beeping and Chase's voice was there, "I found our cake maker, and he's rotting more than teeth. Better hurry!"  I quickly put my comm in my pocket and start sprinting to where Chase is. Me and Riley both cross the same path as we nod and get our sabers out. We see Chase on the ground holding his mouth as the monster raises his whisk for the final blow only to be stopped by two sabers, "Riley, Amy." "Excellent. Two more Rangers to destroy." we both quickly push his whisk away from Chase as I help lead him away, "Stay to the side for a second." I say as he nods while I head over towards the fight. Riley nods to me as I nod in understanding as he crouches as I roll on his back and use my saber to strike at him. We dodge some beams as we go for some punches and kicks. "Guys, duck!" I hear Tyler's voice as we both do as we're said as some blasts go over our heads. We sheathe our sabers as I stand up with the others and brush myself off a bit as Riley goes to help Chase. 


"I thought you were at the skate park." 

"Why would I be messing around when that chef is still on the loose?" 

"Yeah, I guess you wouldn't be." 

"Trust me, even though we do things differently, we fight for the same thing." 

"I'm sorry, I thought that you were--" 

"Forget it. Just destroy those rotten teeth of his." Chase says before getting in line with the rest of us, so it was Chase, Koda, Tyler, Shelby, me, and Riley. "Good find, Chase. Now let's destroy this chef." Tyler states. "It's Morphin' Time. Dino Chargers." Riley starts us off, but before we could start or say anything Chase groaned and held his jaws/mouth. "You okay?" Koda asks. "Go." Chase states. "Ready!" We all say in unison and morph, "Energize, ha! Unleash the power!" I couldn't help but wince as I heard Chase keep groaning, grunting, and say how much his teeth were hurting, "You're all mine!" the monster exclaims. "Power Rangers charged!"

"Tyrannosaurus Rex! Power Ranger, Red!"

"Parasour! Power Ra-" Chase was cut off by his teeth hurting as Riley came over, "Hey, don't force it, hotshot." Chase kept groaning trying to shake it off, "Thanks." "Next!" Riley called out as we continued our role call. (Second favorite part, lol.)

"Stegosaurus! Power Ranger, Blue!"

"Velociraptor! Power Ranger, Green!"

"Triceratops! Power Ranger, Pink!"

"Archaeopteryx! Power Ranger, Orange!"

"Dinosaur might, ready to fight! Power Rangers. . . Dino Charge!" we couldn't help but notice Chase holding his helmet where his mouth his groaning, "Hang in there, Chase." Tyler says. "I'll rot all your teeth this time." Cavity says. "You'll never beat our team, because it's about to get wild!" Tyler responds as we get ready to battle. Suddenly vivix come out of nowhere, "Vivix, destroy those Rangers." "Put a bite in these guys!" Tyler commands. We all take down our section of Vivix, about 6 or 7. I hear Chase yell for help as I turn around but before I could do anything, a certain Green Ranger beat me to it as I smile and keep taking down Vivix with my saber and blaster. Once the Vivix are gone me, Tyler, Shelby, and Koda team up to try and take the teeth out of the monster, keyword try. We all used our blasters and he just shot them back towards us as we land on the ground. I watch as Riley and Chase work together as I smile and get to my knees. I feel a presence as I look over and see 'me' coming over, "You're weak, let me in and you'll be as strong as ever." "Tch. Not a chance." I mutter. "What was that?" Shelby asks as she helps me up, "What? Oh, nothing." I say quickly as I glare under my helmet at 'me'. We soon start having a telepathic conversation, 

'Really need to think of a name for you.' 

"Aren't I the lucky one then. Too bad for you I already have a name."

'Then what is it?'

"That's for me to know and you to find out." She says smirking, "I'd pay attention to the battle if I were you." she says as she disappears, or that's what I think. I snap out of my trance as I see a hand waving in front of my face as I shake my head, "Amy, are you alright?" Riley asks me, "Yeah, mate. You're staring off to space a lot now." Chase adds. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just think-" I was cut off as the ground shook as I looked over towards the source. 'You gotta be kidding me....I was spaced out for this long?' I ask myself. I run after Chase and Riley to a spot to see the fight better, "That is one tough cavity." Chase states. "Yeah, the magma beam must've made him stronger besides making him bigger." I add. "We need to get in there and help." Riley says as I nod agreeing. "I've got an idea. If we knock him back," Chase starts as Riley and I catch on, "We'll have an opening to get into the cockpit." Riley says as I smile, "Great minds think alike." I say as they nod and Chase gets out his Dino Comm to contact Tyler, "Tyler, how about using the Dino Blaze Charger?" "Great Idea." "Deep-fry that chef, and we'll come help." we watch as we wait for our que to enter. Once he's attacked we're teleported in with our blasters in hand ready for battle mode so it's Chase, Koda, Tyler, Shelby, Riley, and me in order. "Let's see how he handles the six of us." Tyler states as we all cheer. The three of us put or blasters/morphers in its spot ready for battle mode. "Stego. Ready for action. We do this together." Koda says. "You said it. All six, ready!" Tyer leads, "Ready!" We say in unison.

"Dino Charge Megazord, Stego Saber!"

"You're going down!" Tyler says as we all have our sabers out, "Stego Saber!" We say in unison as we strike down. "Don't knock my fillings out." Cavity says as we keep striking, "That's the plan." Tyler says. "Not again! I'll need false teeth!" he says showing us that his teeth are gone. "You won't be needing any teeth once we're done." I say. "Ain't that the tooth." 'Puns, lol.' I think as I shake my head before continuing, "Stego Zord! Final Slash!" We say as we bring our sabers down and strike the enemy as he explodes, "Extraction Complete." We all say triumphantly. "Monster extinct." Tyler says as we all cheer.

After we let the zords go back and we de-morph we continue with whatever. "Hey, why don't we all go train with Riley?" Tyler suggests since it's just me, Shelby, and Koda with him as we nod. We quickly change, me wearing an orange tank-top, grey and orange leggings, and a pair of black and orange sneakers, and see Chase already there with Riley. "Hey." "Hey." Riley and Tyler greet. "You were pretty awesome against Cavity." Tyler says as he places his bag down, "So, we figured maybe we should train with you." Shelby adds as I nod and smile. "Great. Well, the first rule," Riley says as he looks towards Chase, "is no rules." I smile as everyone looks confused. "Seriously?" Chase asks happy as Riley confirms it, "Alright. Well in that case, I'll skate." Chase says as he gets his skateboard. "So, no rules. How can that be rule?" Koda asks confused as I chuckle. "Just use your instincts and adapt to whatever happens." Riley says as Chase puts a hand on his shoulder turning serious playfully, "Adapt? This could be dangerous." Riley then puts a hand on each of his shoulders, "Just see if you can keep up hotshot." Riley responds as he takes his jacket off and side flips over a bench as we all cheer. "Let's go!" I exclaim as we do our own flips, handstands, cartwheels, and what-not.

~???'s POV~

I watched as the six of them were having fun, it made me want to join in but I couldn't. I kept an eye on Amanda and how she interacted with them. I felt like I wanted to walk over and join her, not like the others would notice but only she would. I didn't understand what was going on but my eyes darkened, "You'll all be down soon, just you wait. Then you'll forget everything...just like what you did to me." I said darkly and bitterly as I disappeared and kept close with Amanda.

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