Chapter 21: When Logic Fails Pt.2

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~Amanda's POV~

"There you are! I've been looking for you ever since you were in this building!" I hear Brenna say as she floats over as I smile, "Worried much?" I ask her as she rolls her eyes and pouts turning away, "Of course not!"

We heard the monster and Riley talking as we looked over, "Huh! I win! Now give me your Energem." the monster says as we listen and smile. "Oh, I don't think so. You see, the game wasn't Chess." Riley states as we take this as our que and show up, "Surprise." we all say except for Riley as he continues, "The game was to escape the maze." "Inconceivable!" the monster exclaims. "Oh, and that reminds me. Checkmate." he says moving a green piece and knocking away an orange piece, 'How convenient.' I think smiling. "What? But, how?" the monster asks utterly confused. "Dino Chargers," Riley leads, "Ready! Energize. Unleash the power!" we all say as we morph and get into battle stances. "I'm done playing games! I'm gonna destroy you!" the monster exclaims, later found out as Puzzler, as he flips over the game he and Riley were just playing earlier as we all charge at him.

"Check out my game pieces, Rangers!" he exclaims as Vivix come to his aid. "It's going to take a lot more than that." Tyler states since Puzzler jumped down and we all have the high ground.

"Tyrannosaurus Rex, Power Ranger, Red!"

"Power Ranger, Black!"

"Power Ranger, Blue!"

"Power Ranger, Green!"

"Power Ranger, Pink!"

"Power Ranger, Orange!"

"Dinosaur might, ready to fight."

"Power Rangers..." (Tyler)

"Dino Charge!"

"It's about to get wild." (Tyler)

We all front flip and jump down taking our own small group of Vivix, as Koda takes Puzzler. "You were right, pawns do always lose." I hear Chase say. I punch down some Vivix and jump over one before sending it backwards, "Good thing that we're the Kings and Queens then." I say smirking under my helmet as I split kick two more Vivix and take out my Dino Saber and slash at the rest quickly destroying them. "If you like games, you'll get a kick out of this." I hear Shelby say as she kicks two Vivix. "What do you think, guys? Are these monsters getting easier to fight, or is it just me?" I hear Riley ask. "Easier? He doesn't understand the rules!" Puzzler exclaims. "Riley, you make monster angrier." Koda exclaims as Koda rolls away from a blow. "Well, hopefully, if he's angrier he'll miss a lot of his shots." I say as we group up with Koda while he blasts him, "Dino Morpher Blast." hitting the monster. "Great shooting, Koda." Chase says. "Guys, I very hungry." Koda states as I chuckle, "We'll get food once we're done." I say putting a hand on his shoulder as he nods eagerly. "You have to do better than that if you're gonna win this game." "Tyler, combine powers." Koda suggests towards Red. "Right, time for this game to be over. Finish him, Koda." Tyler says as he hands Blue one of his chargers. "Thanks." Koda replies as he inserts it in his blaster. "Dino Charger, ready. Energize, Dino Morpher Blast." Koda says as he fires and destroys the monster. "Oh no. Guys, look!" I exclaim pointing towards the sky where the Ptera Zord is. "The Ptera Zord, Fury must have control of it." Shelby exclaims. "Guess you were right, but how did you know?" I hear Riley whisper to me. "A gut feeling." I muttered back. "But we cannot hurt our friend." Koda says. "We don't have a choice. We have to fight him. Summon Zords." Tyler states as my zord and Riley's join with the Tyler's.

Zord's combine! Dino Charge Megazord, Archae-Raptor Formation, ready!

We're all teleported into the cockpit of the Megazord as we get ready, "Here we go." Tyler states as the Ptera Zord sends a streak of lightning towards us. Suddenly Puzzler is giant and starts to attack us. "Who do we fight?" Koda asks as I get an idea. "I'll battle with the Ptera Zord since mine can fly." I state as Tyler nods, "Chase." "On it." he responds as he summons his Zord. "Be careful, Amy." Riley says towards me as I nod, "I'll try." I respond as I the Arcahe Zord gets removed from the Megazord and replaced with Chase's Para Zord. I watch as my Archae Zord uses it's wings to block and electric attack hitting the Megazord. "I can't attack it." I mutter as the Ptera Zord flies after me sending bolts of electricity as I get hit almost crashing onto the ground but luckily not, "Nice save, Archae." Suddenly Puzzler was sent towards us, "Steel Wing attack!" I command as Archae uses it's wings to send it up towards the Ptera Zord who blasts him destroying Puzzler. The Zord spits out a charger as it flies off. "Must be out of juice." I say to myself.

After our Zords went back to their respectful resting places Riley, Chase, and Koda headed back to museum while Tyler, Shelby and I went to get some pizza. I mostly hung back so the two could get together. We were heading back with three pizza boxes as we entered the base. "Anybody hungry?" Shelby asks as we notice Koda...hugging Riley around the neck, 'Yikes.' Soon everyone is around the pizza taking slices. I notice Riley and Tyler talking as I overhear their conversation,

"When I was in the duct, I saw Fury. That energy 'thing' you saw trying to get out of him...I saw it too."

"You saw it? What do you think it is?"

"I have no idea but, it looked like Fury was draining its energy to power the Ptera Charger."

"Whatever it is, we have to free it or stop it before Fury can use that energy to destroy us."

I think about the information, 'Energy trying to get out of Fury...A charged Ptera Charger, but only the Gold Energem could....No..he couldn't..?' I think to myself as I look over to where Brenna was leaning against a wall as she just shrugs. 'Well, crud.'

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