Chapter 4: The First Battle

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~Amanda's POV~

I quickly rushed towards the battle and noticed some weird green and white minions of some sort following Fury's orders. What I also noticed was that the Rangers seemed to be losing and on the ground. I quickly jump in using my new blaster to take down the minions as I land in front of the rangers on the ground.


"Another ranger?"




I heard voices behind me but ignored them as I narrowed my eyes at Fury. "Vivix, destroy her!" He commands as the 'vivix' come after me as I smirk, "We'll see about that." I say as I jump of the majority of them firing, kicking, and knocking them down.

Soon it's just me and Fury as I let out a battle cry and charge after him. He goes to slash at me as I quickly get low in a crouching position as I jump up and spin kick him in the face sending him backwards before firing my blaster at him, orange coming out as he growls, "Vivix, rise!" he says as some more vivix appear and start merging into one big giant monster thing. I stare up at it wide eye. "Woah!" I say backing up a bit. I notice Fury making an escape as he uses his sword to make some dust and escapes. I back up towards the other Rangers who are now up and beside me. I apparently miss something cause all of a sudden some kind of Archaeopteryx  comes and takes down the gigantic monster thing. "Is that an Archaeopteryx?!" the Pink Ranger asks to no one in particular with surprise, shock, and amazement laced in her voice as I snap out of my trance and look back at the others holding my blaster over my shoulder with a hand on my hips.

"Well, that was interesting." I say as I watch the 'Zord' disappear. "Whoa, you're the Orange Ranger." Red says to me surprised. "Yep, nice meetin' ya, but I gotta split." I say doing a two finger salute, "Catch ya later." I say as I cartwheel and back flip away quickly before giving the other Rangers anytime to process what just happened.

Sorry it was so short, I'll make the others longer.

Power Rangers Dino Charge: The Orange Ranger [May Discontinue]Where stories live. Discover now