Chapter 19: Double Ranger, Double Danger Pt.2

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~Amanda's POV~

"Hold on, guys!" I hear Tyler say. 'Oh thank god.' "Back off, Red." The monster exclaims. "You know what to do." Tyler says as we nod happy that he's back, "Dino Charger, ready. Weapons Combine!" Tyler says throwing the Charger into the air as our weapons combine. We then make a basket with our hands and say in unison, "Red Ranger Launch!" "Dino Spike, Final Strike! Copy that." "Now that's teamwork!" we all say as the monster explodes. "Tyler!" Shelby exclaims as she hugs him. "Great timing." Chase says. "We worry." Koda adds. "No one splits us up." Riley states. "And if we do, we always come back together."I say smiling under my helmet. "We've got to stop Poisandra from tracking down the Gold Energem or it's Ptera Zord." Tyler states. "Look, over there." I say pointing up a flight of stairs where Wrench, Poisandra, and Curio are with the E-Tracer. "Stop her!" Tyler commands as we all run towards their location.

Suddenly a big version of the monster, Duplicon later found out, blocked our path. "Vivix, rise!" he commands as tons of Vivix start merging and become some kind of ugly Vivix monster. "You Rangers want me? You'll have to go through a giant Fury first!" "Ah crud." I muttered. "Look out!" Tyler exclaimed as the tip of Clone Fury's sword was about to impale us, we quickly rolled out of the way in time. We quickly re-grouped as Tyler's Zord came. "Nice entrance, Rexy. Dino Charger, ready. T-Rex Zord!" Tyler says as Shelby and Koda do the same summoning their Zords and calling the Megazord up. We soon get attacked on both sides, "They're attacking from both sides!" Tyler exclaims as the Megazord shakes. We soon get an incoming call from Kendall, "Go ahead, Kendall." Tyler says. "Activate Dino Charger Number 17. It will release the toxic gases of the dinos." "Did she just say what I think she said?" Shelby asks. "Toxic gases?" Riley asks confused. "You don't really mean...." I say trailing off. "You mean fart gas?" Koda asks. "You could call it that." Miss Morgan says. 'Oh boy.' "Man, you think of everything." Chase says chuckling. "Hey, let's try it. Dino Gas Charger, Ready." Tyler says. Suddenly the Megazord starts shooting out stinky and disgusting fart smells towards the clone and Duplicon. "My eyes! It's stinging my eyes!" Duplicon exclaims. Chase starts laughing amused, "That's one nasty move." "Aww, smell very bad!" Koda says putting his hands where his nose would be under his helmet. "Agreed!" I muttered fanning the air with my hands. "All right, let's finish it!" Tyler says. "We need the hammer of the Ankylo Zord to crush these fakes." Shelby says holding the Ankylo Charger. "Dino charger, Ready! Summon Ankylo Zord!" Instead of the Stego Zord, the Ankylo Zord was there. "Ankylo Zord, Hammer Punch!" We all command in unison doing the motion with our fists and arms as the Clone Fury reverts back to the normal, ugly Vivix monster, "Tricera Drill!" Shelby commands as the Drill goes through the Vivix monster destroying it. "Ankylo Zord!" we all say in unison getting ready for the final attack as we all spin so the Hammer part of the Zord is spinning gaining momentum and power, "Final Hammer Punch!" we all say causing Duplicon to explode. "Monster extinct."

Our Zords disperse and go back to where they live. We quickly re-group still morphed and notice Fury holding the E-Tracer with the coordinates of the Ptera Zord or Gold Energem displayed. "Fury is leaving with E-Tracer." Koda states as we watch from below. "We can't let him take it." Riley adds. "If we can't get to it, we may just have to destroy it." I say with a tad bit of disappointment in my voice. "Chase, you're the only one capable of hitting it from this distance." Tyler says towards him. "Got it." he says as he combines his blaster and part of the Dino Saber. "But my E-Tracer!" Shelby exclaims. "Sorry, Shelby. If Sledge gets it, he could find all the lost Energems." Tyler says as she only nods. "Sometimes you've got to make sacrifices for the greater good." I whisper towards her as she just lets out a sigh. Chase walks forwards as he aims and then blasts destroying the E-Tracer. "Nice job, hotshot." Tyler says as I smile only for it to disappear when we notice Fury bend down and pick something up as I just realize something, "Tyler, did you take the Ptera Charger out?" I ask as he shakes his head realizing what's happening. "You didn't destroy it all, Rangers. With this, I will control the Ptera Zord." He says showing us the Ptera Charger. "No!" "Oh, man."

We all demorph and head towards the base. We slide down and one by one, enter and let our Energems fly to the bedrocks, Shelby carrying the destroyed E-Tracer towards the tables while the guys sit down at the picnic tables. I decide to lean against the wall with my arms crossed in deep concentration, still somewhat listening to the conversations going on. "The E-Tracer may have given Fury the location of the Ptera Zord. And he also got the Ptera Charger." "Even if he finds the Zord, that charger shouldn't have enough power left to activate its battle mode, and they don't have the technology to charge it." Miss Morgan assures. "I should've known those Clone Rangers were fakes. There's nobody like you guys." Tyler says. "The E-Tracer was destroyed, but you worked as a team. If you had not, then it would now be in Sledge's hands." Keeper says. "Keeper's right. We're united. Sledge, Fury, Poisandra, they are divided." Chase states. "That's why we'll win, because of our teamwork. I mean, maybe not today, but soon." Riley says. "I have something of yours." Shelby says towards Tyler as she holds out a bracelet. "You found my Dad's bracelet." He says smiling as she puts it on his wrist. I couldn't help but smile for the two. "Thanks." "No problem." "When I was fighting Fury today, he suddenly froze up as if he lost control. I swear, it looked like something was inside him trying to break free." Tyler explains. "Maybe it's his fun side trying to get out?" Chase asks. "Whatever it is, we take it on together." Koda says putting his fist in the middle. I couldn't help but smile as I joined in. "That's right, Koda." Shelby states. "Together." we all say putting our fists together. Once we separate for the night I'm sitting at the picnic tables thinking about Fury and the Ptera Charger. Everyone else has already gone to bed so I was the only one up. I suddenly hear someone enter as I turn around and notice it's Riley. "Hey, what are you doing up?" he asks me as he sits down across from me. "Not tired. I'm just thinking." I say as I prop up my face on my hand and my elbow on the table. "About what?" he asks confused.

"I know Kendall said that Fury wouldn't be able to control the Ptera Zord's battle mode or have the technology to charge it but...I have this weird feeling that he'd be able to charge it."

"What do you mean? That'd be impossible." Riley asks confused.

"Do you really think that's impossible? So far, we've been fighting monsters, turning into Power Rangers, connecting with dinosaurs, and gaining super powers to protect the earth. Is it really impossible?" I ask raising an eyebrow as he thinks about it.

"But how would he even get the technology?"

"He wouldn't really need to. With Wrench by his side, we could possible have the technology."

"Yeah, but that's the technology, what about energy? It needs the Gold Energem to charge it."

"Still. What if they still get a hold of the Gold Energem?" I question as he nods then suddenly his eyes widen.

"I doubt that's possible..."

Suddenly, me pops in, "I wouldn't count on it not being done. It will be done."

'Are you positive?'

'One hundred percent.'

"I don't think so......I'm guess this is an 'I know so' kind of situation, and that's what I'm worried about." I say as I place my head on the table and my hands in front of me.

He places a hand over mine as I look up towards him. "Don't worry. We might be able to get the Charger back before he figures a way to charge and use it, or find the Gold Energem. We can't give up hope." he says giving his usual cute smile. I couldn't help but let out a sigh and smile as well as I let out a yawn. "Let's get some sleep. We'll need the energy." he says as he stands up and I follow. "Yeah. Thanks, Ry." I say as I get to my room door. "No problem, Am. Night." "Goodnight." I say as I enter my room and soon drift off to sleep.

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