Chapter 16: Let Sleeping Zords Lie Pt.1

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~Amanda's POV~

We were in our dig outfits searching where we last found dinosaur bones and energems as we found nothing still. "This is starting to turn hopeless." I mutter as I wipe some sweat off of my forehead. "Sure is hot today." Riley comments as we all nod. "Eh. What's she up too?" Chase asks a I look over towards Shelby and notice that she's under the shade looking at some papers. "How about lending a hand?" Chase yells towards Shelby who starts making her way over towards us,

"Follow me for a sec. Keeper gave eleven energems to eleven different dinosaurs." Shelby states coming over towards us with her cup in her hand. Suddenly Koda stands up straight, "Of course! Wait- I, uh...what?" Koda asks confused as we all chuckle and Shelby continues, "We already found six energems but five are still lost. Those energems will only be lost near the fossils of the Pterodactyl, Ankylosaurus, Pachysaurus, Plesiosaurus, and  Titanosaurus. We shouldn't dig here just because we found bones here before." Shelby states. "Okay, then. Where should we dig?" Tyler asks. "I don't know exactly." Shelby says thinking about it as the boys scoff while I just stay quiet and think about it, "I see what you're saying." I start as everyone look towards me, "We look where the bones of the Ankylosaurus, Pachysaurus, Plesiosaurus, and Titanosaurus were and lived." I say finishing as Shelby nods her head happy that someone agrees. "But where would we even find out where?" Tyler asks. "I have an idea. Check this out." Shelby says as we all head to our site,

"If we combine the known areas where the remaining dinosaurs lived with the energy signatures from each dinosaur's Energem, then we could pinpoint more accurately where to look." Shelby says as I nod, "That could work." I say towards her being the first one followed by the guys as she smiles and nods towards me. "Energy signature?" Koda asks confused, "What is Shelby saying?" he asks Chase. "She just doesn't like getting dirty." Chase says. "No, what I'm saying is that we need to work smarter, not harder." Shelby responds. I couldn't help but pick my cup up and have it feeling light, like no water was in it. "Yeah. Actually she might be right about that energy signature, but, how would you ever track it?" Riley asks. "Miss Morgan can probably find a way." I say speaking up as he just shrugs. "Hey." Tyler starts. "You finished all our drinks?" Chase asks annoyed. "What? It's really hot out here." Shelbs responds as I roll my eyes. "Obviously." I muttered slightly annoyed as well. "Shelby drink like camel." Koda comments. "Shouldn't we at least test my theory?" she asks as I subtly nod while the boys just stare at her. "Fine, then. I don't need anything from you guys anyway." she says frustrated as she gets up and starts to head towards the truck only to stop when she realizes that she doesn't have the keys. Tyler gets them out, "Um...I need your keys." she says as she catches Tyler's keys, "and this." she grabs her drink before heading back to the car as the boys chuckle. "Shelby, wait. I'll get more drinks for you guys." I say as I quickly head back towards the truck. "Just don't drink them all." Chase calls out towards me as I turn around and glare at him as I feel a sudden rage in me as Chase quickly shuts up. I turn around as I shake my head quickly and jump in the truck with Shelby.

~3rd person POV (Guys)~

"Just don't drink them all." Chase said teasingly as Amy glared at him coldly showing no sign of teasing and playfulness, just filled with rage and anger. What Amanda didn't know was that her eyes shifted from blue to a mix of red and brown making Chase shut up quickly and widen his eyes. The others noticed Chase's sudden change in demeanor and looked towards him. Amanda then turned around and shakes her head lightly before jumping in the truck with Shelby and driving off, "Chase? What's wrong?" Tyler asks as Chase watches the truck until it can't be seen. "I-I thought I just saw Amy's eyes change color." Chase replied. "But that's impossible. Just going from one color to another so sudden?" Riley asks as Chase just shakes his head. "Didn't you think being a Power Ranger was impossible?" Chase asks raising an eyebrow as Riley rolls his eyes. "Guys, let's just get back to work and talk about it later, alright?" Tyler says butting in as the two just nod and get back to fossil digging.

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