Chapter 10: Return of the Caveman Pt. 2

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~3rd person POV~

At the museum, Tyler and Shelby were working in the cafe with a few of the other employees. Mrs. Morgan was walking through the museum and enters the Dino Bite Cafe realizing that the other four haven't showed up yet at all. She meets with Shelby and Tyler at the window and whispers towards them, "Chase, Koda, Riley, and Amanda are late." "Chase is always late, and I don't think Koda really knows what time is." Shelby replies rolling her eyes. "Yeah but Riley and Amy-" Mrs. Morgan was cut off as the said people entered the cafe out of breath and in a rush, quickly made their way over towards the others. Tyler quickly walks over to the their side of the window where Shelby and Mrs. Morgan were as Amy and Riley met them, "Where have you two been, and where is Chase and Koda?" Mrs. Morgan demands. "There was a monster. We saw it trap Koda along with a kid on a bike." Riley says as Amy nods, "And the same thing probably happened to Chase." I add in a whispered tone. Mrs. Morgan thinks for a second before speaking up, "Tyler, Riley, take the dino cycles. There are two ready and their scanners will allow you to cover more ground." "Okay, let's go." Tyler says the two both leave to search for their missing friends. "Come on." Shelby says as the three head towards the base to see if they can help from there.

~Amanda's POV~

Once we enter the base Mrs. Morgan has her headset on as she communicates with the guys but I can clearly hear what they're saying and it sounds like she's talking with Tyler as we look at the holographic map in the middle,

"I'm picking up a magnetic field. Do you see it?" Tyler asks over the com as he sends us what he's seeing.

"I see it too. Strange readings."Mrs. Morgan says looking at the red area. "That field must be keeping them from communicating with us." Shelby says pointing towards it as I look into it before speaking up, "Or maybe even from morphing if it is that strong since they'd be out by now if they could, right?" I ask the others briefly looking up as the other two nod their heads in agreement. "They've got to get outside." Mrs. Morgan says shaking her head before going to get in contact with Riley, "Riley, I'm sending coordinates. Meet us at the mountain."

"Right, I'm on my way."

We quickly glance at each other before nodding knowing what we have to do.
We all load up in a red Jeep, which I'm guessing is Tyler's, as Mrs. Morgan drives us to the location.

Once we get there Tyler is already off his cycle while Riley's getting off as we rush over to their side, "Any sign of them?" Shelby asks as she stands next to Tyler with me beside her and next to Riley with Mrs. Morgan on the other side of Ty. "There's a cave over-" Tyler starts only to be cut off as we see a figure running out, "Is that-" I start only for Mrs. Morgan to finish for me, "Koda?" "Koda!" Tyler yells as Koda runs towards us with a that boy from he bike his arms, both looking all beat up and dirty. "He need doctor." Koda explains as Mrs. Morgan nods, "I'll get him to a hospital." as she takes him and heads back towards the red truck as we watch before Riley speaks up, "Koda, where's Chase?" "Still trapped in mountain." Koda responds as my eyes widen, "Trapped? By who?" Shelby asks as I point, "By him, it's gotta be!" I exclaim pointing a hand toward the top of a cliff at a monster holding a cage by a chain who almost looks like some kind of lighthouse guard or sailor, the one we saw at the park. "Hey, rangers, thanks for coming. How about you stay a while? Or in this case, forever!" the monster asks and exclaims as he throws a cage at us, "Cage time!"

Koda quickly thinks fast as he rushes forward and catches the glowing blue cage as he holds it up so it doesn't trap the rest of us. "Hey, let go of that!" the monster exclaims only to be pulled off the ledge as Koda throws the caught cage in the opposite direction. "It's morphing time. Dino charger." Koda says leading as we all line up with him. Tyler and Riley on one side, me and Shelby on the other, "Ready!" We all click our chargers and put it in our blaster as we spin the barrel, "Energize! Ha! Unleash the power!" We yell as we fire and blast into the air watching the heads of our respected dinosaurs to come out and engulf us in our ranger suits in respected colors. "Power rangers, charged!" Tyler exclaims.

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