Chapter 5: A Fool's Hour Pt. 1

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Okay, so I changed how it went in "A Fool's Hour." so it's mostly on Amanda's POV but there are some parts from it. Just a heads up!

~Riley's POV~

I was using the tennis ball machine as I used my Dino Saber to train and get better at using it down at the base during the morning. Chase was working on his skateboard or something with his headphones plugged in. I couldn't help but think about that Orange Ranger. Last night I remember we quickly discussed about her before going to sleep.


After the new Ranger disappeared I just couldn't help but stare at where she just was. We all soon heard Tyler's Dino comm. Checking to make sure the coast is clear we de-morphed as we huddled around Tyler to see Miss Morgan on the screen. "What happened?" she asks worried and concerned. "A new Ranger appeared. We'll explain more once we meet at base." Tyler replied as he hung up and we quickly ran towards the dinosaur museum. I couldn't help but glance back for any sign of the Orange Ranger before following after my friends. Once we got back to base we explained to Miss Morgan how the Orange Ranger jumped in and saved us at the last second and how the Zord came too. "It was definitely the Archaeopteryx Zord." Shelby states as we concluded what just happened. "I see." Miss Morgan says thinking, "We need to get her on our side so we can help her, she can't take down all the monsters much less Sledge on her own. I have an idea for a new charger but I'll need her Energem if I'm going to make chargers for her, to get the details and information I need." After a bit more talking and discussing on what to do we all went to left to sleep for the next day.

*End of Flashback*

I quickly snapped back to my training as I cartwheeled to the side with one hand and deflected the tennis balls. On the third deflect the tennis ball hit something distracting me as a tennis ball hit my shoulder surprising me. I paused for a second as Chase started singing as he worked on his skateboard. I then continued my training as Shelby entered putting her Pink Energem on the crystal bed to charge. She then walked through the training, luckily not getting hit, "Oops, careful." she says dodging them as I continued to deflect. I decided to pause as I went over and end my practice as Tyler entered the room. I set my saber down on the table making sure it's still in perfect condition as I smiled at the though of meeting up with Amy later when the cafe closes. "We should get up at the cafe, the museum opens soon." I said gaining everyone's attention when Koda woke up as everyone nods only for the alarm to go off as we quickly rushed towards the 3D holographic map in the middle of the lab where Miss Morgan was. "Several objects entering the earth's atmosphere." Miss Morgan states. "Sledge?" Tyler asks. "Let's go find out." Chase says as we head out. "I'll cover you and get other employees for your shifts." Miss Morgan says as we nod and enter the elevator exiting the base.

" Miss Morgan says as we nod and enter the elevator exiting the base

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(Amanda's Outfit)

~Amanda's POV~

I made it into the cafe as I entered and opened up getting ready for breakfast. 'Yay, 1st rush hour is here.' I thought to myself as I got everything ready. I suddenly smiled as I remembered that I'm going to hang out with Riley and catch up later with him once the cafe closes as I smile to myself. I notice some customers here as I take a pen and pad and walk over to them taking their orders. I realize that the group isn't here but other employees taking their places. 'Something's up. Riley would usually never miss anything unless something happened, right?' I ask myself as I narrow my eyes and continue working.

Hours passed as breakfast passed and then lunch passed so it's only around 2, 'Another round.' I thought to myself. I suddenly feel my Energem glowing as I quickly look around and pull it out. "Time for action." I mutter to myself as I enter the entrance of the cafe and notice Emily, a blonde waitress there. "Can you get someone to cover my shift? Something important just showed up." I whisper to her as she nods with a smile, "Sure thing." she says as I thank her and exit the back door. I quickly put my Energem in my dino blaster/mopher as I quickly run out and look for the monster and potentially the other Rangers. I notice that Chase, Koda, Shelby, and Riley quickly running towards somewhere and I get the sudden urge to follow as I quickly and quietly do.

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