Chapter 17: Let Sleeping Zords Lie Pt. 2

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~Amanda's POV~

We all reached the base with Tyler, Chase, Riley, and Shelby sitting at the picnic table, Koda sitting on a box, and me standing against the metal tables, and Keeper walking around the open area thinking, I'm guessing, about what we just told him, "The Ankylo Zord is awake. That means the Aqua Energem bonded to someone." Riley says. "You mean, there's an Aqua Power Ranger out there?" Shelby asks. "That is correct, but he or she may not know we exist." Keeper says, "Like we didn't know they exist." I add as everyone nods as Keeper continues, "Or may have chosen, for some reason, not to join us yet. What is important now is the Ankylo Zord. It shares the Aqua Energem's power and would not normally attack us." "If that monster came out from the hole where the Ankylo Zord was, there's a high probibility that the Zord has a stinger in it too." I say piecing it together. "Monster sting Zord like it sting me?" Koda questions as I nod. "That would explain it." Tyler states. "Well, if so, we need to remove the stinger." Riley says. "Good luck. Did you see the size of that thing?" Chase asks sounding nervous. "If it's big and we're small, we might have a better change getting to the stinger." I say as Riley look towards me, "Sure, but also a big chance that we could get stomped on." "I'll do it." Shelby says standing up. "No way. It's too dangerous." Tyler says standing just as fast. "Someone has to do it. Besides it's my stupid E-Tracer that somehow screwed up and gave away the Zord's location to Sledge." Shelby says as she starts to head out only for Miss Morgan to interject, "Actually, you device worked brilliantly. Sledge got the location of the Zord because I didn't encrypt the E-Tracer's code. It's my fault we lost control of the Ankylo Zord. Somehow, I'll find a solution." She says as she exits the base followed by Shelby. "At least let a Ranger handle it." I mutter. I look towards the side where Dark me, again I need to find a name for her, is watching as I move my eyes to tell her to track them as she just scoffs but does it anyway, for some reason. I then felt a hand on my shoulder as I turned my head around and was met with Riley, "You okay?" He asks as I nod and smile a bit, "Of course, I'm just gonna check on the girls." I say as I head out of the base. I get out to the loading dock and notice a truck that was once here gone and Dark  leaning against some crates with her arms crossed bored.

"Took ya long enough."

"Where are they?"

"To where you guys almost got smashed....well, Miss Morgan anyway. Pink decided to jump and sneak on."

"Woah, woah, woah. You're telling me that Miss Morgan went AFTER the Zord and Shelby SNUCK on?"

"Didn't I JUST  say that?!"

"Fine, fine." I mutter as I quickly run towards the area since it's not too far.

"Why do you care so much about them? They're just ordinary people." She asks as she floats by me since she's like part demon-ghost thing.

"Because they're my friends and we stick together, no matter what. We treat each other as equals and care about each other like family. We don't stay just because of the Ranger thing but to stay as friends."

"But I don't get it, you don't need them. You have all the power you need! You don't need anyone, you could just take over fricken planet earth! Or other galaxies!"

I stop running for a second as I look at her, "What do you mean by 'I have all the power I need' and 'I could take over earth and other galaxies'?" I must've caught her off guard since she flinched.

"Forget it. Your 'friends' are up ahead. Be careful...sometimes friendship doesn't last long." She said as she just disappeared.

I shook my head to the side confused and headed towards the location. As soon as I get there I notice the same monsters and Miss Morgan, but no sign of Shelby. "Miss Morgan! Duck!" I command as she does just that while I get my blaster out and take down some Vivix. I quickly jump over her crouched form and kick another aside as I help her out. "Where's Shelby?" "She fell down the hole when those monsters came." "She WHAT?!" I yell until some Vivix blasted at us as I quickly recover, "Get to safety and contact the others." I command as she nods and runs. "Not so fast!" Poisandra says as the Vivix fire towards Kendall only for me to intercept and blast them causing an explosion. "I don't think so!" I say as I charge at some Vivix taking them down quickly with some kicks and punches. Suddenly more appear once I take down four of five as my eyes widen, "More?!" "Get that Ranger!" The pink heart monster commands as they keep attacking me. They all suddenly charge their blast as the Poisandra and the other monster, Stingrage, come closer. I couldn't do anything as I was hit by the blasts and blasted away towards a tree struggling to get up. "Give me your Energem, and you MAY survive." Poisandra threats as I make it to one knee, "How about....No." I say standing up holding my arm. 'I gotta get to Shelby.' I think. Suddenly, red, blue, black, and green blasts were shot from behind me at the monsters as I turn around relieved, "Guys!" I exclaimed happy to see the boys. "You alright?" Riley asks worried as I smile, "I'm fine since you're all here, but Shelby-" "We know. Miss Morgan told us." Tyler says. "We've got to get to her." I say as the others nod. "Miss Morgan, do you think you can do an underground scan?" Riley asks as she nods, "I think I can back at the base." she replies before heading back. "Let's do this." I state as the others nod and I step forward with my Dino Charger out since I'm not morphed and the others are. "Dino Charger, ready. Unleash the power!" "I'll see if I can go and help her out." he says as he quickly runs off towards the clearing only for Stingrage to block him. "We help Tyler!" Koda says as we all charge yelling out a battle cry.

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