Chapter 18: Double Ranger, Double Danger Pt.1

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~Tyler's POV~

We had just gotten to a clearing. Koda was in a tree that I was leaning against, Chase was picking at flowers, Shelby and Riley were tending to the E-Tracer, and Amy was watching the two and keeping an eye out for anything. I was writing in my journal with a picture of my dad and I. 'I miss you so much, dad. I even still wear you bracelet. Keeping it safe until I finally find you. Today is June 10th. Being a Ranger is not easy. But we've got a great team. Even though Chase gets distracted by girls sometimes...' "Monica loves me, Monica loves me not. Oh, well, Monica's loss. Tina loves me. Tina loves me not." '...He definitely has our backs. Riley is always analyzing things and training. He makes me try harder, too.' "Okay. I calibrated it to search the grids from left to right." 'Shelby's really smart. And hey, I think she's cute...'  "No, not left to right. I've already calibrated it to search right to left." '...and kind of stubborn. Amanda is smart and is always there for us. Plus, she and Riley look cute together.' "Guys, calm down." 'And Koda, well, you wouldn't believe how strong his animal instincts are. I can't stop thinking Fury had something to do with your disappearance. Nothing's going to keep me from finding you, Dad. Especially not Fury.' Suddenly Koda jumps down causing me to jump startled, "Koda! I asked you to stop doing that." "Tyler you smell." he states. I couldn't help but be confused as I smelled my clothes, "I do?" I asked. 'I put clean clothes on though.' "No. The air." 'Right.' I stood up and smelled the air but didn't smell too much out of the ordinary. Suddenly my Dino Comm went off showing Miss Morgan, "Alien bio-signs in your area." I nodded and ended the call. "Hey, shut down the E-Tracer. We need to get out of here now." I quickly picked up the machine. "Careful. That's irreplaceable." Shelby states. "Okay. Start the jeep. We're right behind you. We'll keep watch while you load up." Riley says as I nod and head towards me jeep.

~Amanda's POV~

As soon as Tyler left we all nodded and took out our blasters and separated scanning the area making sure no monsters were close. I took my comm out, "No sign of monsters." "None here either." "Let's group back at Tyler's jeep." I say as I end the group call and meet the others where Tyler's jeep is supposed to be. "Where's Tyler?" I ask confused looking around joining the others. "I'm not sure. I'll call him." Shelby says as she calls Tyler on her comm. "Is that supposed to be funny?" Shelby asks. "Shelby?" I hear Tyler asks confused. "You just took off and left us." Shelby states. "What? I'm looking you." he states confused as the call suddenly ends. "We should head to base. If Tyler thinks he's looking at...'us' something's wrong." I state as the others nod and we quickly run back to the base letting Miss Morgan know. 

"You find Tyler?" Koda asks as we let out Energems fly to the bedrocks as we group up with Kendall and Keeper. "No, he still isn't responding." she responds. "Let's scan the city for alien DNA." I suggest as I head over towards the computer with Riley at my side as I type somethings on the computer. "When I talked to him, Tyler thought he was with us. Whoever he was with, they were fooling him." I heard Shelby say. "I'm telling you, it's a monster." she tells me as I let out a small sigh, 'You're probably right.' I respond as the computer suddenly starts beeping. "Alien bio-signs detected." I say as I read where. "In the city complex." Riley states as he reads it. "Then that's where we go. Yes?" Koda asks. "Maybe we should split up. I could go back to the woods and retrace our steps and see if I can find Tyler." Shelby says worried as she starts to head out of the base. "I'll go with you." I say as I follow her. "No, Kendall and I will continue to search for Tyler." Keeper says stopping the two of us. "You must work together to find the E-Tracer before Sledge can locate the Gold Energem." "You're right, we need to work as a team. Let's go." Shelby states as we all file out of the base after her. "Don't worry, we'll find Tyler." I say putting a hand on Shelby's shoulder as she smiles slightly and head towards the city complex morphing on the way.

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