Chapter 12: Breaking Black Pt. 2

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~Amanda's POV~

We finally reach Moana's shop and inform her of the situation and the pendant. She get's a book out and start flipping through the pages of it as we stand there and watch Riley, me, Shelby, Tyler, and Koda, while she hums until she reaches the right page, "Oh, this is the pendant that was stolen." she says as she looks at us, "It was forged from an evil heart in the darkest corner of New Zealand. Destroy it, or soon Chase will forget he's your friend and turn against you." She says as she comes around the table and comes towards us as we back up a bit so we're somewhat in a line, "We have a weapon that might be strong enough, but it won't work without Chase." Tyler says speaking up. "If he can focus, Chase can push the spell from his mind long enough to use your weapon." Moana replies. "Hm. I doubt it." Riley says speaking up as the others nod, "Chase has the attention span of a flea." Shelbs adds. "Long ago, you friend Chase proved to me that he can focus, very deeply, even in the most dire situations. It happened on day, just as I was closing my shop." She starts as she tells us the story of her kitten in a carriage that rolled away with Chase on his skateboard. The carriage stopped in the middle of the road and was about to get run over if Chase didn't save the cat. She then brought him in to her shop for a reward which was how he had gotten his energem. "So that's how Chase got his energem." I state as everyone smiles at the story. "It's so easy for him. I froze in glacier for thousands of years." Koda says as we all chuckle softly. Suddenly I notice Tyler's dino comm beep but ignore is see that he has it covered as we listen to Moana, "When he's on his skateboard, Chase can push everything else from his mind." "That's right. He said the spell went away when he was on his board." Shelby responds as we all nod. Tyler then comes back, "Kendall said Spellbinder's returned, and Chase...he's disappeared." We quickly all look to each other. "Thanks, Moana, but we gotta go." Tyler states as we quickly leave the shop towards the coordinates from what Mrs. Morgan sent us, which seems to be in a warehouse.

We quickly reach the warehouse and find Spellbinder, Wrench, and some other monster. "Wrong on both accounts." Tyler says as we all stand behind him, Shelby and Riley on one side with me and Koda on the other. "Chase never join you." Koda says. "It's too late for your friend, and now your time is up." Spellbinder says pointing at us as he quickly fires mind control beams at us as we quickly dodge and roll out of the way. Shelby and I go for the new monster who's name is Curio, "You all will be under Spellbinder's control soon." the monster says as it knocks us back as I cartwheel away while Shelby does the same, "Not a chance." She says getting in another fighting stance, "That's right." I say, hands in fists as Curio goes for Shelby only for her to push a piece of wood on wheels towards the monster as it trips and falls into a bunch of cans and other objects. I quickly look towards the others and notice Wrench down but Tyler on the ground as the rest of us quickly try to take down Spellbinder only for us to be knocked away as we struggle to get up, "We've got to try the Dino Spike." Tyler responds. "But...need Chase." Koda replies. Suddenly I look up as I'm halfway up, "Your turn!" Spellbinder says as he fires control beams at us except for Shelby as I notice her roll away as we struggle to keep in control. I block out all the noise as I breathe in and out, 'Stay in control, Amanda, focus.' I think to myself as I start humming a song to myself. I used to love singing as a child when I was with Riley. I started humming 'Youngblood' by 5 Seconds of Summer until I start quietly singing the chorus as I stand up and recollect myself, the control vanishing.


Say you want me

Say you want me

Out of your life

And I'm just a dead man walking tonight

But you need it, yeah, you need it

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