Chapter 2: A Monstrous Encounter

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~Amanda's POV~

It was finally closing time as I cleaned up the dishes, organized the place, cleaned the tables, and turned the lights off as I headed towards my truck. I hopped in as I headed out towards the woods. Instead of having a nice house or something I decided to have a small campsite area in the woods as I traveled a lot and went on digs and everything. As I reached the woods it was getting darker as I took the orange crystal thing out of my pocket and looked at it turning it around and starring at it curiously. I soon heard leaves crunching and a growl.....? I put the crystal thing in my pocket and went to investigate.

I was near a tree as I noticed some kind of lion, tiger, cat monster thing as my icy blue eyes widened into saucers at the sight. The strange monster was holding some kind of jagged black sword as it emitted some kind of electrical power. "I smell an Energem." it says as he looks in my direction as I let out a gasp. "You! Give me the Energem and you might live!" He says pointing the sword to me as an electrical blast is sent my way as I quickly roll away and start running through the woods. 'Energem? What's an Energem?' I think to myself before I remember the crystal I had in my pocket. I pull it out and look at the orange cry- Energem. Suddenly more electrical blasts are shot in front of me causing an explosion as I cover my arms in front of me and look behind. "Not so fast. Give me the Orange Energem." he demands. "How about no for an answer?" I spat back trying to hide my fear from him. I notice two metal bars as I put the energem in my pocket and use my hands to hold onto the bars getting into a fighting stance, focused as I charge at him letting out a battle cry.

When the cat monster thing sent a bolt of electricity at me I parried it away using the metal bar as I used the other to slash at his middle only for it not to do much damage as my eyes widened but quickly narrowed as I used both of the bars to slash at him. Luckily he stumbles back but quickly gets up. "Wha- uh oh." I mutter as I notice him powering up his sword as I do several back flips to make some space. 'Thank you for teaching me some defense skills and gymnastics mom and dad.' I think to myself as I quickly block a few strikes only to get hit by an unexpected fifth one as the metal bars flew out of my hands as I landed on my side groaning as the monster gets closer. I quickly get up, still in pain, as I start running. "I can't take this guy." I say to myself as I put my hair in a messy ponytail as I try to out run him. More electricity goes for me as I start to zigzag trying to escape. Suddenly I see five figures; Red, Pink, Green, Blue, and Black, front flip over me. "Power Rangers?" I breathe in as I look behind me and stare shocked and amazed. "Fury, leave her alone!" Green says. 'He sounds so familiar.' I think as Pink looks back at me, "Get out of here!" she says as I snap out of my trance and nod as I quickly rush away for cover. As I started running I heard some yells in distress near from where I was fighting that 'Fury' guy. I quickly turned around and ran in the direction of where I came from and notice two people, a man and a woman with some rocks and branches around them. 'Must have been when that Fury guy was after me.' I think to myself as I quickly rush over towards the couple to help them.

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